Clue (1)

In the Fish City, everyone headed straight to the ninth-rank aristocratic family, the Yu family's residence.

The Yu Family's mansion was located in the east of Fish City, which was different from the location of ordinary aristocratic families.

Generally speaking, in order to show the supreme ruling position of the aristocratic families in the city, they would place their mansions in the center of the city.

The reason why the Yu Family had set up their residence in the eastern part of the Fish City was because the eastern part of the Fish City was adjacent to a large lake.

This lake occupied one-third of the Fish City's territory, and there were rich resources in it. The Yu family naturally relied on the lake to eat.

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After entering the mansion, everyone did not smell the stench. Or rather, the stench had lessened significantly.

This made Yang Chen very confused. Why did this happen?

Could it be that there were some treasures here?