A Letter From the Qian Dragon Guards

Chen City, at the north gate.

Today was Chen Zhu's first day as a guard. Although Chen Zhu was a collateral relative of the Chen family, logically speaking, she did not need to do this job.

However, Chen Zhu had always wanted to be a general who led troops to war since he was young. Now that he had finally reached adulthood, he immediately asked his grandfather to greet the Chen Second Master, Chen Shan, and place him among the soldiers of Chen City.

As the county captain of Chen City, Chen Shan naturally had the ability to insert someone into the garrison.

Moreover, this person was a clansman, so Chen Shan did not reject him.

Of course, they did not directly assign important positions. After all, once they entered the garrison camp, they would represent the Chen family's face. Naturally, they would have to be properly examined to see if they were really capable.

This city gate guard was Chen Shan's test for Chen Zhu.