The Train Ride Part 1

The rest of the day went smoothly, with beautiful scenery keeping us occupied. Our small talk consisted about school and how I was enjoying the new change of pace in life. Yi Meng decided, later on, to take a nap since the trip was at least another day. Heng and I went to the food car and sat in a booth. Several other disciples sat talking with each other. I noticed a long-haired blonde and a pink short-haired girl staring at me. I felt uneasy as if I was prey in a hunter's line of sight. I shuddered.

"What's wrong?" Heng asked looking at me with a weird look.

"Those girls are staring at me," I said feeling weirded out.

He slightly turned his head to see the girls from the corner of his eye. He smiled and looked back at me.

"That's right you didn't have much social interaction as a youngster, did you? Maybe these girls like you, It's not like you're an unattractive young man. Maybe they like you." He chuckled.

I looked at him like he was crazy. Them like me very unlikely. He noticed my look and nodded.

"You are right to be skeptical here, this is a competition, but it won't always be this way. there will come times that girls might want to approach you. Will you react the same as you did here? You will eventually need a wife won't you wait you do like girls, right?" Heng looked flustered as he hammered me with questions.

"Of course, I like girls!" I replied deflecting a response away from the other questions.

"Even if you didn't, I would support you, my boy," Heng said with a big smile throwing a thumbs up at me.

I smiled. Heng seemed to try very hard for me, something I wasn't used to. I looked over at the two girls who now have moved a booth closer. Their eyes shifted to me every few seconds, I had made the mental note of staying away from them especially. Their presence alone made me nervous in a bad way as if I could feel the vile intentions, they had for me. Heng ordered a plate of ham and bacon with eggs. I asked for a large sandwich with some beef jerky if they had it. We sat there talking about the trip and how peaceful it had been up to that point, that it was enjoyable. With that comment, the girls were seemingly waiting to butt into our conversation.

"Life can be enjoyed no matter what you do." Her voice was soft yet sharp, as if venomous.

"And you are who miss?" Heng looked at the pair standing at our booth.

"I am Sherry, and this is Bailey. Who's this young man next to you Elder Heng?" Sherry asked flipping her golden hair.

"My name is Jason. Pleased to meet you miss Sherry." I replied looking at her.

Her eyes seemed fierce; her gaze locked on me as she shook my hand. Her skin was slightly cold. Her green eyes searched for something in my face. I gripped her hand and smiled. She reluctantly let go and motioned for me to scoot over. I nodded and allowed her to sit.

She sat down a sweet scent of apples wafted over me. Bailey sat next to Heng and smiled at me. I felt extremely uncomfortable. Sherry placed her hand on my thigh and smiled weirdly t me. I grabbed her hand and moved it away from me.

"How can we be of assistance ladies?" I asked shooting a look over at Heng.

He looked almost as uncomfortable as I was. He smiled flakily at the girls.

"We were bored, and you seem, entertaining. I can't tell what realm you're in. Are you good at hiding how strong you are?" Sherry asked.

"Miss, I do not discuss cultivation while eating, it's bad manners," I replied as my food was placed in front of me.

She glared at me, clearly annoyed that I had dodged her question. Her friend was staring at her with concern. She fidgeted a bit and then ordered food herself. She ordered a large plate of ribs and soup. Her friend ordered Sweet and sour chicken on white rice with a sweet bun. We sat there in awkward silence as I ate my food. The girls just stared at me, watching each bite. I felt weird so I quickly finished my food. Then I asked

"I don't think you're here to just chitchat what do you want?" I said my tone changing.

Their eyes showed a flash of fear as I exerted my pressure. Sherry even broke out into a sweat. She stood up and quickly walked to the other end of the train car and sat in a different booth. Bailey looked back at her in shock but quickly followed her. I looked at Heng and smiled, He seemed amused by the display of things that had just taken place. We finished our meals and made our way back to the cabin. Yi Meng was softly snoring when we got back. Her face looked peaceful, I sat down on the bunk above hers and decided that a nap didn't sound too bad right about now. I laid back and plumped up the complimentary pillow they gave me. I sighed; I had a feeling things were going to get interesting. I looked out the window trying to get comfortable. Heng sat in a bench seat reading a newspaper, his face hidden behind today's headlines. I began drifting off to sleep. The train's steady rhythm rocked me to sleep. Everything felt amazing, life was good despite its strangeness.