The Proposal

My body felt heavy, using the energy blade used a lot out of me. I struggled to wake up and get out of bed. My mind was foggy. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and leaned back. My hand found something soft and squishy yet firm at the same time.

"What the fuck?" I muttered turning around to See Vicky glaring at me.

"Do you mind moving your hand, Jason?" She asked smiling evilly.

I quickly moved my hand from her breast and immediately apologized.

"Yeah your definitely a virgin." She burst out laughing.

"That leads to my question, What the hell are you doing in my bed?" I asked shocked.

"You've been sleeping for almost a full day. I guess the Snake sect needed to regroup after losing two masters and a handful of higher disciples. Talk about taking a loss." She said sitting up, the sheet slipping revealing her nude body. I quickly turned feeling my face burn. She giggled and stood up draping her arms over my shoulder.