Snake Eyes

I went back to my room to a fully dressed Vicky. She looked absolutely beautiful. Her skin gave off a glow that it didn't have before. She ran to me when she saw me, planting a kiss on my lips. Her passion wasn't something I was used to but it was something that I could get used to. Her perfume filled my nose toying with my brain.

"I got something for you," I said.

Her eyes grew wide and she hugged me. I handed over the ring and she squealed with happiness.

"I love it." She said squeezing me in a rib-breaking hug.

"I plan on attacking the Snake sect and putting them in their place. A final reminder to not touch what isn't theirs. Could you come with me?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded. We got around and met her father at the front gate. He led us through narrow wooded pathways, we walked for an hour or so. I hummed while carrying a shovel on my shoulder.

"What's with the shovel?" One of the experts that Vicky's father had brought