Inside the bookstore with Jean

"Hey look over there, did such a building exist before?" said a man, pointing to the building outside the city gates of Monstadt.

"Yeah, you're right. There shouldn't be such a building there. After all, when was it built?"

"I don't know. Want to check it out?"

"Okay, let's go over there!"

The two people who were walking in the city of Mondstadt were confused and curious about the building that suddenly appeared outside the city gate of Monstadt. Actually, it wasn't just the two of them, but many people inside the city of Monstadt also saw the building that suddenly appeared.

If it had been an ordinary-sized building, they wouldn't have reacted much. But the building they saw was so large and tall, they could even see the outside of it from inside the city of Mondstadt.

A brown-haired girl in red clothes also saw the building. She was Amber who was currently patrolling around Monstadt city. And at this time she also saw the building that suddenly appeared in front of the Monstadt city gate.

"I should go check it out." As a member of the Knights of Favonius, it was her duty to ensure peace in Monstadt city. So she had to confirm what the building that suddenly appeared was.

But somehow, when she saw that building. She thought of a familiar figure, that figure was Ren.

'Why am I suddenly thinking of him? Hm... I'll pay a visit to his bookstore later.' A beautiful smile formed on Amber's lips at the thought of seeing and talking to him again today.

Not only did Amber take the initiative to go to the building, many other people also went to take a closer look at the building. They all wondered what the building was?

Just like the people who saw the appearance of the building from inside the city of Monstadt. There were also people who saw the building from outside the city of Monstadt.

For example, in a forest not far from the city of Monstadt, there is currently a blonde girl and a lightning raven on her shoulder.

The blonde girl looked at the tall white building curiously. She knew beforehand there was no such building near the city of Monstadt. So she was curious and wanted to take a closer look at the building.

The blonde girl was named Fischl. She was an Adventure Guild investigator. While the lightning raven on her shoulder was her friend named Oz.

"Oz, that building wasn't there before, was it?" Fischl asked the raven on her shoulder.

"Yes, princess. I'm sure there was no such building before." Said the raven named Oz on her shoulder.

Oz is a talking lightning crow, he's her only friend who has accompanied her for over 10 years. She and Oz are currently in the forest to do a quest that the adventure guild gave her.

The quest told her to scout out the Hilicurl camp that was around the Monstadt forest. And if possible, she should also exterminate all the Hilicurls in the camp.

So this is where she is right now.

Around her were many dead Hilicurls lying on the ground. Their bodies were all charred having been hit by her lightning arrows.

"Umu, our quest is over Oz. It's time to tell everyone the wisdom of this princess. And we should also inspect the building." Fisch said as she looked at the tall building that seemed to be located in front of the city of Monstadt.

"Yes, princess. We should tell the adventure guild the results of the quest first, before we inspect the building." Said Oz who answered while translating the strange language Fischl used. He was already used to the strange language that was frequently used by her, as he had accompanied her for more than 10 years.


Inside Ren's new bookstore.

Ren and Jean were busy walking around in the bookstore. The two of them still didn't notice that a lot of people were heading to the bookstore, and some people were probably already gathered in front of the bookstore by now.

Ren took Jean to see many rooms in the bookstore. First he showed her the room for buying manga which had many bookshelves and manga in it. The room was more spacious than the room in his previous bookstore, even the design of the room looked more modern which made anyone would feel at home there.

Jean was amazed to see many bookshelves filled with manga. She could see many copies of the manga titled "Your Name", "Weathering with you" and "Angel Beats" displayed on each bookshelf. She wasn't sure how many copies of manga were in front of her, and she didn't see all the inside of the room. Because the room was too large, even larger than the Knights of Favonius' library.

"What do you think?" Ren asked Jean who was standing next to him.

"How should I say it? This room, no. This bookstore is amazing..." Jean said as she continued to look around the room.

Ren smiled at her answer, then he said. "In the future I will add more manga series, so that the selection of manga in this bookstore will be more diverse."

Jean was happy to hear that there would be more new manga. She turned to him and asked. "Ren, have you made any more new manga?"

"Not yet, but I already have an idea for the story."


He nodded. "Yes."

"Um..." Jean became agitated, as if she wanted to ask him something.

Ren could guess what Jean wanted to ask him. He smiled wryly and said. "Do you want to know what kind of manga story I'm going to make next?"

"Eh? Um... Am I allowed to know?"

"Yeah, I don't mind telling you a little." He then continued. "This manga tells the story of a boy who goes on an adventure to find a way turn his little sister back into a human."

"Turn his little sister back into a human? What has his sister turned into?" Jean asked in confusion. She was becoming more and more curious about the new manga story that Ren was going to create.

"The protagonist's little sister has turned into some kind of monster that can eat humans. But the protagonist does not give up on his little sister, and he is determined to find a way to turn his little sister back into a human."

Jean's interest grew after hearing a few spoilers from him. She wanted to ask him for more spoilers, but she knew that she shouldn't ask for too much.

In the end she gave up on asking further questions about the new manga, and chose to wait for the new manga to be released.

Ren smiled while scratching his cheek. He knew Jean wanted to know more about the new manga he was going to create next, but he couldn't tell her more than before.

He then took Jean to another room to take her mind off the manga.

Well, her new bookstore has a total of 12 floors. So you can imagine how many rooms there are inside, he didn't plan to make Jean see all the rooms inside bookstore. he only took Jean to the rooms that were most interesting to see.

Time passed, Ren and Jean had fun exploring the many rooms in the bookstore. For example, such as a sports room, game room, canteen, swimming pool and many other rooms.

"Your bookstore is really comfortable Ren. I even thought I wanted to live here."

"Well, why don't you stay here? I don't mind living with a beautiful woman like you."

"Oh? Are you seducing me?" Jean smiled seductively at Ren who was walking beside her. She was actually having a great time today in his bookstore. It felt like she was on vacation and enjoying a lot of new things in her life.

Usually every day she would be stressed because she had too much work in her office, but after coming to Ren's bookstore...

She became more relaxed and laughed a lot enjoying her life.

From the bottom of her heart. She wanted to live inside Ren's bookstore, because it was very cozy and there were many interesting things inside.

For example, the game room she had seen earlier with Ren. There were many advanced technologies that functioned as entertainment. Inside the room were many machines that could run various games. She played with Ren and tried many games there.

Apart from the game room, there were also other rooms that were no less interesting. She wondered how Ren got all that advanced technology?

But she didn't ask about it, because it was rude to ask about someone's secrets. She just enjoyed all the technology Ren showed her without complaining.

In addition, she also started to feel comfortable around him. Unlike before, where she often acted a bit awkward around him.

Nowadays she became more likely to stare at Ren's appearance. She knew that Ren was handsome before, but while playing with him today, she became more aware of him.

Ren is a calm person and looks more mature than his age. He often wore a stoic expression on his face, and occasionally smiled slightly when talking to her. But when he was walking with her, he would sometimes glance at her butt.

She knew that she had a beautiful and sexy body, and many men she met sometimes glanced at her body with lust. But unlike the gazes of others that often disgusted her, Ren's gazes did not disgust her at all.

Deep down, for some reason she wanted to tease him, and wanted to see him many reactions. So while playing with him today, she often pointed out many parts of her body. For example like her ass, thighs and breasts. But of course she didn't show her naked body, she was still wearing her work clothes, okay?

She wondered, since when did she become this active in flirting with the opposite sex? Maybe it was the influence of the manga she read. Lately she often thought about finding a boyfriend, because she was envious of the love scenes she saw in the manga. For example, the love scenes between Mitsuha and Taki from "Your Name", Hodoka and Hina from "Weathering with you", and finally the love scene between Otonashi and Kanade from "Angel Beats".

She would be lying if she didn't envy the love stories of all those manga characters. She sometimes wondered what it would be like to have a boyfriend?

Back to the present, where Ren invited her to stay with him. She actually felt her heart pounding at this moment, but she managed to win herself over. She even asked Ren with a seductive smile, asking if he was seducing on her?

She wanted to see how he would react, but she didn't expect him to look at her seriously.

"Yes, I am indeed courting you Jean. I'll be honest, I'm attracted to you romantically."

Ren looked at Jean seriously. He even approached her, and stood in front of her at a very close distance. He was taller than Jean, so he was looking at her face with a slight bow. He knew his action was a bit too fast, after all he and Jean didn't know each other well yet.

But somehow he had the urge to do this, especially after taking a walk with her inside the bookstore. He felt that Jean was the type of pretty office lady who often wore a serious expression on her face. But when she laughed, she became very funny. Especially when she laughed happily while trying out the many modern technologies in his the bookstore.

When he saw her beautiful face laughing happily, he felt like making Jean his woman. But not only because of that, his actions were also influenced after frequently glancing at Jean's sexy body today.


Jean's heartbeat quickened. She became nervous because the distance between her and Ren was very close at the moment. She could also smell the masculine scent of Ren's body which made her body become hot.

Then she looked at Ren's handsome face which was very close to her face. She became very nervous and her face felt hot. She was sure her face looked very red at this moment.

Her mind was spinning looking for the right words to answer Ren's confession. She was actually attracted to Ren and loved being around him. The proof today was that she was laughing and smiling more. But she's still not sure, is she interested in him romantically?

"W-Wait a minute Ren. Y-You're too fast, we should get to know each other better first, before we..."


(Author Note)

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