Talking about manga in Liyue

"This is your new bookstore Ren? Why didn't you tell me, that you made a new bookstore...?" Amber said in a sad tone. She was sulking because she wasn't told earlier about his new bookstore. She looked at the woman who seemed to have preceded her with narrowed eyes.

The woman Amber was staring at was Jean. The first person who knew that Ren had a new bookstore, and the first person who came to the bookstore with Ren.

"..." Jean who was stared at by Amber felt awkward. She looked at Ren as if asking for help with bulging eyes. Because this was also his fault, not telling the other people close to him and only telling her first.

Of course she was happy to be the first to know about his new bookstore, after all she was also the one who helped him buy the land in Monstadt. She then recalled the previous incident where Ren confessed to her, her face flushed slightly when thinking of the previous incident. She didn't have time to answer Ren's confession, as she was distracted by the people coming to the bookstore.

Jean's reaction did not escape Amber's eyes who looked at her with narrowed eyes. She wondered what happened earlier with Ren and Jean before they came? Those in question were her, Barbara, Fischl, and Kaeya. There were also other people, but they had left. Because Kaeya sent the other curious people away, and told them to come back when the bookstore was officially opened.

Ren sighed looking at the two women in front of him. He also saw other people like Barbara, Fischl and Kaeya who were busy walking around in his bookstore. Well, he didn't mind if they wanted to have a look. But for now he had to face the problem in front of him first.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you first, I was just thinking about finishing this bookstore placement process, before telling anyone else. As for how did Jean know in the first place? She's the one who helped me find land in Monstadt, which is suitable for the location of my new bookstore." Ren said.

"Yes, Amber don't get me wrong. You know with my position in the Knights of Favonius, it will be easier for Ren to buy land in Monstadt." Jean also helped explain to Amber so as not to cause any misunderstanding.

Amber sighed. "Is that so... By the way, what were you two doing in the bookstore before? I'm curious."

"Th-That's... Em both of us..." Jean wanted to say that she and Ren were just looking around the room inside the bookstore. But her voice became nervous, remembering the previous incident.

"The two of us were just looking around every room in the bookstore. See? Like the three of them." Ren said with a wry smile, pointing at Barbara, Fischl and Kaeya who were busy wandering around his bookstore.

Amber turned to the people he was pointing at, she then nodded with a smile. She seemed to believe what Ren said.

"I also want to have a look at your new bookstore, Ren! Come take me around!" Amber said with her usual excited girl smile.

"Okay, I'll show you lots of interesting stuff in my new bookstore!" Ren also said excitedly.

"Yes!" Amber then turned around to look around the room in the bookstore curiously.

"....." Jean was silent when she saw Ren who managed to lie to Amber so easily.

Before Ren guided Amber around, he whispered to Jean who was silent beside him without Amber knowing.

"About my previous confession, I know I was in too much of a hurry. But if you want we can date first, to get to know each other better."

"...A-Are you serious about that?" Jean shuddered to feel his voice so close to her ear. Her face blushed slightly and she asked him.

"Of course I'm serious. I'll ask you again later, you can think about your answer first."

"O-okay." In the end Jean agreed to think about her answer first.

She then looked at Ren who was chasing Amber with a complicated look. She sighed and muttered.

"Should I try dating him?"


In Liyue city which is currently bustling with people talking about manga topics. After the appearance of the manga published by the Feiyun Commerce Guild. Many people who have bought and read manga finally know how much fun reading manga can be.

Unlike in the city of Monstadt where there are 3 manga series that have been released, in the city of Liyue only 1 manga series has been released. But that didn't lower the opinion of the people at Liyue about manga. Many people who had read manga for the first time in Liyue, had high opinions about manga.

Especially for most of the people in Liyue who know a lot about art. They were amazed by this art called manga. For example, the people who were chatting inside the Wanwen Bookhouse.

"I wonder how the author made this manga?" asked a man with glasses who had green hair.

"Don't you just need to draw and write the text in the white column according to the storyline?" Said a woman wearing a brown qipao. She also wore glasses, just like the man sitting in front of her.

"It's not that simple, don't you pay attention to this author's drawing style. In one page he cleverly creates several scenes, which can shorten the timing in the manga without ruining the storyline."

"Ah... You mean each scene line, where there are characters and places from different points of view?"

"Yeah, that's included too. It's not easy to think about drawing from multiple points of view, let alone on one page." The man said as he flipped through the pages of the manga titled "Angel Beats".

"Speaking of the manga author, I've never seen what the manga author looks like. I only knew that his name was Ren Kazuma from the notes on the back of the manga." The bespectacled woman also held the manga in her hands, and looked at the back of the manga.

The green-haired man sighed. He lifted his glasses slightly before saying. "It's hard to meet the author of this manga, because it looks like he's from Monstadt. You also saw the note saying that on the back of the manga, right?"

The woman with glasses nodded. "Yes, he's a manga author who seems to own a bookstore in Monstadt city."

"Well, leave that author aside. What do you think of this manga story?" Asked the man with glasses.

"This manga story is a masterpiece. At least out of all the books I've read so far, this one will be at the top of my favorite books list."

"Hahaha you're right. This manga even affects the emotions of its readers." The man with glassed sighed, he had actually shed tears after reading the manga titled Angel Beats for the first time.

The woman with glasses nodded as she reviewed the last page of the manga in her hand. "Yes, I even cried seeing the farewell between Otonashi and Kanade on the last page of the manga. Tsk I want to complain about the ending of the manga to that author Ren Kazuma."

Then the two people also began to discuss many things in the manga. They had fun exchanging opinions with each other about manga.

Not only the two of them, but many other people in Liyue city also have fun exchanging opinions about manga.


At Feiyun Commerce Guild.

Xu was currently dealing with his boss who was the manager of the Feiyun Commerce Guild.

That person was named Xingqiu. He was a man with a feminine face who wore a bluish-black noble outfit. His skin was so fair and soft-looking for a man, that it made womens sometimes envious.

Xingqiu was currently sitting in his office and looking at his servant. The two of them were actually talking about the manga published by his company. It was only a few days after the manga was first published in Liyue city. But the manga had already sold a lot and quickly became popular in Liyue city.

Xingqiu certainly didn't complain about it, he was actually happy. He is happy that his company earns a lot from selling manga.

In addition, he himself also likes manga. Because he too had read manga, just like everyone else.

He was a person who had a passion for reading books, so of course he understood how exciting it was to read manga. And he actually wants to read more manga, because currently only 1 manga series has been published in Liyue city.

Actually he knew that in another city called Monstadt, there were already 3 manga series published there. He couldn't help but be jealous because the people in the city of Monstadt had already read more manga than him.

If the cities of Liyue and Monstadt weren't that far away, he would have already gone to the city of Monstadt to buy other manga that he hadn't read. Of course, he would also do business with the bookstore that published manga there. But in reality the city of Liyue and Monstadt was very far away, and he couldn't go to the city of Monstadt, mainly because he was busy with his work as a company manager.

"Xu, can you contact the manga writer named Ren Kazuma? I want to discuss publishing another manga series that he created to be published in Liyue city."

"Yes, manager. I could send a letter to the city of Monstadt to contact him, but it may take a long time for the letter to reach him." Xu said in a respectful tone.

Xingqiu sighed. "Now I just remembered, Ren Kazuma is a person from Monstadt... It will take a long time for him to come to Liyue city."

Xu then spoke up, his expression as if he had remembered something. "Um... Manager. I actually just remembered something.

"Remember what?" Xingqiu asked.

Xu took out a small black rectangular object from his pocket, on top of which was a blue gem that functioned as a button.

"This is the thing Mr. Ren gave me to contact him if there is something important."

Xingqiu looked at the object in Xu's hand with an interested look. He then took the thing from his hand and asked.

"Is this some kind of remote communication device?"

Xu scratched his cheek. "I'm not sure myself, but Mr. Ren told me to contact him via that thing if there's anything important. He said press the blue button on it to call him."

Xingqiu nodded after hearing his explanation. "I'm going to press the blue button on this thing."

Xu nodded, he stood in front of his and waited for what happened next.

The moment the blue button on the thing was pressed by Xingqiu. There was silence for 5 seconds.

"What? Nothing happened. Are you sure this is a communication device, Xu?"

"Ehh! Y-Yeah, I'm sure Mr.Ren referred to that thing as a way to contact him."

Before Xingqiu was about to ask Xu again. A portal suddenly appeared in the room, and from within the portal a person came out.

"Hello Mr.Xu. You contacted me? Is there something important?"


(Author's Note)

Ren would always open his quest rewards when he was really relaxing. So for those who are wondering what rewards Ren got from the previous quest, you will find out in the next chapter. By the way, I need advice on who will be the secretary or servant for Ren at his new bookstore.

* I'm sorry, because there were quite a few things I missed in the previous chapters. But I'll try to explain a lot of things, which I'm missing in later chapters bit by bit.

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