Summoning ticket

Ren was currently sitting opposite a feminine-looking man named Xingqiu.

Of course he already knew who Xingqiu was, even before he introduced himself. After all Xingqiu was one of the Genshin Impact characters he had played in his previous life.

And right now, he and Xingqiu were in the middle of talking about manga.

"So you want me to publish another manga series in your company?" Ren asked.

"Yes, I want my company to publish another manga series that you created. Of course, I will make a more profitable employment contract for you, Mr. Ren."

Xingqiu smiled, trying to persuade him to publish another manga series in his company. He looked at the man in front of him with an interested gaze, because the man in front of him was the author who had created the manga.

Judging from the way he had come to his office via the teleportation portal earlier, he knew this manga writer named Ren Kazuma was not a simple person. At first he thought an intruder had come into his office, but it turned out that Xu recognized who the person who came out of the portal was, and that person was Ren Kazuma.

He wondered how Ren Kazuma could teleport from Monstadt to Liyue. Was it because of the little rectangular device button he pressed earlier? If possible, he would also like such a device. He decided he would ask about the device later, after negotiating the manga with him.

"Hm... Well I agree. There are 2 other manga series that I have made, apart from the manga called Angel Beats. Would you like to see it first?" Ren asked.

"Yes!" Xingqiu said excitedly.

Ren smiled and nodded. He then waved his hand forward, and 2 mangas with different covers suddenly appeared on the table.

Xingqiu was naturally shocked to see this scene, she wanted to ask how Ren did such a thing. But attention was quickly drawn to the 2 manga in front of him.

"Th-This..." Xingqiu immediately picked up 2 mangas from the table, and looked back and forth between the 2 manga covers.

One of the manga has a cover with a picture of a boy and a girl standing side by side against a backdrop of a city and green grass. The boy background is a beautiful city, and the girl background is a stretch of grass. Even though the two were standing side by side, it could be seen that the two of them were in different places from each other. And in the middle of the two of them was a shining sun that created a line between the two of them, as if to confirm that they were both in different places from each other.

'W-what a beautiful cover!' He then looked at the cover of the other manga.

The cover of the other manga is of course different from the cover of the previous manga. On the cover of this manga he saw there were two people, one girl and one boy. The girl was standing looking up at the sky dripping with rain, and the boy beside her was sitting. Their background is a city and a cloudy sky. However, the manga cover doesn't look gloomy against such a background, instead the manga cover looks meaningful, as if the manga cover tells the reader what will be told in the manga.

'Your Name and Weathering with you? Interesting, I want to read these two manga soon!'

Xingqiu tried to calm herself down, as he was currently in business talks. He had to at least finish the contract with Ren first, before he could read the manga in his hands comfortably.

"You can read first, I don't mind waiting." Ren said. Because he could see Xingqiu was eager to read the manga in his hands.

"No need, let's immediately make a contract for these two manga! I don't want to make you wait for Mr. Ren, besides that I also believe that these two manga series are no less good than Angel Beats." Xingqiu said with a smile on his face. Of course the real reason he did this, was because he wanted to quickly read the manga in his hands comfortably.

Ren smiled wryly and said. "Alright, let's finish quickly."

It took 1 hour to complete the contract for publishing 2 new manga series at Feiyun Commerce Guild. After finishing making a new manga contract, during that time Xingqiu also asked about the device that Ren gave Xu.

He then explained that the device he gave Xu only served as a location marker for where he would teleport. Apart from that, the device also functions as a sender of notifications to him if there is something important.

Basically the device will not be able to make anyone else teleport, other than himself who has the ability to teleport.

Xingqiu who originally wanted to do business about the device finally gave up after hearing his explanation.

After finishing with his business in Liyue.

Ren said goodbye to Xingqiu, and Xu who was outside the door of the room. After that he immediately teleported to his bookstore.

Of course not teleporting to his old bookstore, but to his new bookstore which looks like a skyscraper.

He had decided to focus on his new bookstore, and closed his old bookstore. Well it's kind of sad, but he can't run 2 bookstores at the same time on his own.

Even in this huge new bookstore of his, he knew that he needed someone else to help his with his work, as it would be very inconvenient to work alone in his new bookstore at this time.

So now he's going to do it. Do what? Of course he would find someone who would help him work in the bookstore. But that person might not be from Monstadt, or even this world of Teyvat.

Ren is currently in his room, precisely on the 10th floor of his bookstore. The rooms are quite spacious, and have lots of items from the modern world. For example, such as anime posters, soft mattresses measuring 5 meters, sofas, chairs, tables, wardrobes with mirrors, and many other items with modern designs.

He was sitting on the sofa, while wearing casual clothes such as a white shirt, and short black pants. His eyes were fixed on a screen that only he could see.

Yes, he was looking at his system screen.

"System, take that thing out of my inventory." Ren said to the system.

Then a rainbow-colored ticket-like object appeared in his hand. That ticket was one of the rewards she got a few days ago from the Luxurious Chest.

He got 2 Luxurious Chests from the previous system quest reward. And after opening the chest, he got 2 good rewards and some ordinary rewards such as Mora and Exp.

One of those nice gifts was a rainbow colored ticket in his hand. He looked at the rainbow ticket in his hand with his player's eyes to see the ticket description again.

Anyways, even though he doesn't use his gamer eye very often. His gamer's eyes have the ability to see the statistics of living things or objects he sees. He basically had the vision of an in-game player.


Otherworldly Summoning Ticket

Level: Gold

Description: The ticket user can summon 1 living creature from any world, such as the fictional world of anime, manga, novels, legends, movies and other worlds.

However, the user cannot force the summoned creature to accept the summoning. The user must meet the summoned creature directly, and make the creature accept the summoning contract.

*Usage notes:

1. The user will be transferred to the world of the summoned creature for a while. And the time in the user's home world will stop, when the user goes to another world.

2. The user can select the creature he/she wants to summon from another world, by imagining the creature's appearance and name.

3. If the user does not succeed in getting the creature to accept the summoning contract, the user will be transferred back to the user's home world.

4. If the user succeeds in making the creature to be summoned accept the summoning contract. The user can bring the contracted creature to the user's home world.

5. A creature that has accepted the summoning contract cannot refuse the user's command.


"...." Ren looked at the description of the summoning ticket in his hand with a serious expression. He knew this summoning ticket could let him summon creatures from another world, for example his favorite characters from the anime world.

However, there was also a risk that he had to bear if he used this summoning ticket. He had to go to another world to persuade the creature he wanted to summon to accept his summoning contract. And it's possible that on the way he encounters powerful beings who want to kill him.

He could not make the creature he wanted to summon teleport directly to his world. There were steps he had to do first.

"*Sigh* This is a bit troublesome... Should I use this ticket?" Ren asked himself. He could actually find people to work in his bookstore normally. For example, people from Monstadt city, surely many of them would be interested in working in his bookstore.

But seeing the otherworldly creature summoning ticket in his hand. He couldn't help but be interested in summoning his favorite characters from the anime world.

"Damn this ticket is so tempting!"

In the end Ren made up his mind and got up from the sofa. He then changed into a black suit with beautiful silver stripes, the suit looked like a cloak, because the back was quite long. On the back there is a fairly large silver vision electro symbol and a few purple spots. For the pants section, he wears trousers of the same color as his suit. And for shoes, he wore black boots with a modern design.

The clothes he wears are similar to the clothes Zhongli often uses in the Genshin Impact game, but with a few changes here and there.

It was actually the clothes he bought from the system store.

After looking at his own appearance in the mirror, he nodded with satisfaction.

Ren then held the summoning ticket in his hand while imagining his favorite character from the anime he had watched in his previous life. That character was his favorite waifu! And he wanted to make her work for him!

If possible, he also wanted to make her a...

Then the summoning ticket he was holding shone brightly, until his body was also swallowed up by the light coming from the ticket.

"Going to the world of my favorite waifu!" Ren shouted in joy as his body was swallowed by the light.

After that Ren's body disappeared from his room. In that instant, time in the world of Teyvat had stopped with all the creatures in it!

No one realizes that time has stopped in Teyvat, because all beings there have stopped moving and thinking in the time that has stopped, including the most powerful being in Teyvat who lives in Celestia.


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