My head hurts

AN: Sorry this chapter is short, because I wrote it when I had a headache. The next chapter will be as long as usual.


Today the city of Monstadt was peaceful as usual. Many people there are laughing and smiling happily.

Especially the people sitting at Good Hunter. The place called Good Hunter was one of the popular food stalls in Monstadt city. And every day this place would always be crowded with customers.

The food stall is located near the Monstadt city fountain, so people who choose to eat there can enjoy a nice view while eating.

Sitting on a chair with a table that had food and drinks on it. There were several people who were currently chatting.

"Ahh! I want to read the next chapter right away!" A man said while holding a manga in his hand.

"You're not the only one who wants to read more chapters of that manga." His friend said while pointing to the manga in his hand.

The manga they were referring to had a cover with a boy swinging a sword. The manga is called "Kimetsu no Yaiba".

It was released yesterday at the Happy Heaven bookstore. Many people in Monstadt naturally didn't sit still when they found out that a new manga had been released. So they flocked to Happy Heaven bookstore to buy the manga.

And the two people who were talking in Good Hunter were among those who had bought the new manga.

"Those Oni creatures are really scary. Even when their heads are cut off, they can still live, and regrow their limbs" The man holding the manga said with a horrified expression on his face.

"I know. They can even infect humans to become Oni. For example like Tanjiro's little sister Nezuko. I feel sorry that that girl has become an Oni, but she seems to be different from other Oni."

"Yes, Nezuko can at least still control herself not to attack humans, even though she once almost ate Tanjiro in an early chapter."

"Do you think Nezuko will turn back into a human?"

"Hm... I don't know. Since this manga only releases a few chapters per week, I'm sure the story will be quite long."

"*Sigh* I can't wait to read the new chapter next week."

The two of them then continued to talk about the topic of manga further. It wasn't just the two of them, many people in Monstadt were also fun talking about the topic of the new manga that had been released.

The manga "Kimetsu no Yaiba" is very popular, especially among men. They love this manga. Because this manga is an action genre that has a lot of sword fighting in it.

Unlike the previous manga series which mostly told love stories, this new manga tells the struggle of a boy who wants to return his younger sister back to being human, and the path the boy has to take will be difficult. Because on the way he has to fight many dangerous creatures called Oni.


Inside Angel's Share tavern

"Lord Diluc, it's been a long time." Charles said in a respectful tone to the red-haired man in front of him. Because the man in front of him was the owner of the Angel's Share tavern, which meant that the man in front of him was his boss.

"It's been a while, Charles. How's business lately?"

Charles smiled and said. "It went well, especially after manga became popular in Monstadt. Many people often drink here while enjoying reading manga."

Diluc nodded. He sat in front of Charles, then took out a manga from his pocket.

"Yes, it's not surprising. Because this manga is indeed a fun read, especially when you read it while relaxing." Diluc said while looking at the manga cover in his hand. The manga in his hands was a new manga he had bought from the Happy Heaven bookstore a few hours ago.

At first, he was surprised by the building of the Happy Heaven bookstore, because it was too big and conspicuous, right? Moreover, it was located in front of Monstadt's city gate. And there were many people going in and out of the bookstore.

He naturally became curious and entered the bookstore. He also wanted to buy some manga and see what the rumored owner of Happy Heaven bookstore looked like.

When he walked into the bookstore. He feels like he has entered into a different world, as there are many technologies that he is not familiar with. For example, drink vending machines, food vending machines, and many other technologies. The design of the room inside the bookstore also looked very new, and different from the design of the building he had seen before.

He wondered, who were the craftsmen who built the Happy Heaven bookstore? If possible, he would like to hire that craftsman to renovate his mansion in Dawn Winery.

While he was buying manga there, he also met the author of the manga, and the owner of the Happy Heaven bookstore that he had wanted to meet for a long time.

Ren Kazuma.

He did look young and had the same appearance according to the reports he read. After talking to him for a while, he knew that Ren Kazuma didn't seem to be a bad guy, a spy or anything like that. He was just a businessman who enjoyed making money.

Besides meeting Ren Kazuma, he also met the worker at the bookstore. There seemed to be only two people working in the bookstore, those people included Ren Kazuma and a silver-haired woman named Grayfia.

At first he was a little surprised to see the silver-haired woman wearing a maid outfit. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Of course he was just admiring her appearance, and not looking at her with an impolite gaze. He wondered where the silver-haired woman was from? Was she also from Inazuma, just like Ren Kazuma?

He wanted to ask Ren Kazuma many things, but at that moment she felt a chill all over his body. And when he looked at the silver-haired woman, she gave him a sharp look. He wasn't sure why, he felt threatened at that moment. So he didn't ask Ren Kazuma any further and left the bookstore.

He still remembered the cold felt and danger of that silver-haired woman named Grayfia. 'Did she not like it when I questioned Ren Kazuma like I was interrogating him? Yeah, damn that must have been it.'

'But what was the cold I felt then? Is she a cryo vision user? She's so strong, even I who have pyro vision still feel chilled by her cryo vision.'

In the end, he decided to send the people in his intelligence organization to find more information about Ren Kazuma and Grayfia. He did it just in case, as it was his duty to protect the peace of Monstadt city.

"Lord Diluc, you also like reading manga?" asked Charles.

"Yeah, I also like reading manga. I've read manga called Your Name, Weathering with you, and Angel Beats before. They're all good manga, have you read them too Charles?" Diluc wasn't sure why he got excited all of a sudden while talking about manga. He felt like he was acting out of character. Even though his face was still calm, others could tell that he was in high spirits from his tone.

Charles of course realized this. He smiled and said. "Yeah, I've read all of those manga series too, Lord Diluc. Last night, I even read the newest manga called Kimetsu no Yaiba. It's an action manga, and the story is good too. You should also try that new manga , Lord Diluc."

He said while pointing at the manga titled Kimetsu no Yaiba in Diluc's hands.

Diluc turned to the manga in his hands and said. "So this new manga is the action genre? Interesting. I'll read it upstairs, Charles."

"Sure Lord Diluc, do you want me to prepare a drink?"

"Just give me some hot tea." Diluc said before he walked upstairs, he wanted to quickly read manga in peace there.


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