Eh? Why am I update?

Oni or commonly called the Demon.

Is a creature that is the source of trouble in the manga story entitled "Kimetsu no Yaiba".

They are evil creatures that kill and eat human flesh. They have strong physical abilities and even when injured, they can regenerate their bodies.

For example, if one of their hands is cut off, they can regrow the hand that was cut off.

They can only be killed by sunlight, and special tools such as swords used by Demon Slayers.

Demon Slayers fight demons with all their might. Because they are human, the wounds they get cannot heal instantly like demons. And their severed limbs cannot grow back.

But despite all that, they still fight for humanity.

Diluc, who was reading the manga "Kimetsu no Yaiba", was impressed with the manga's story.

"Those demons are more brutal than all the monsters in Teyvat and difficult to kill. If it weren't for the demon slayers, the humans there would have been extinct." He muttered as he drank his tea, before he continued reading again.

After reading a few chapters, he thought the story of the manga was quite good. Although he somewhat disliked many of the bloody scenes in the manga, he continued to feel interested in reading more chapters of the "Kimetsu no Yaiba" manga.

He wanted to see the struggle of a boy named Tanjiro Kamado to become strong and find a way to turn his little sister back into a human.

Tanjiro Kamado was a child who had a tragic fate. All of his family was killed by demons, leaving only his younger sister. His younger sister didn't completely survive either, as she had turned into a demon.

However, despite all the sad things he experienced. Tanjiro tried to stay strong and find a way to turn his younger sister, Nezuko, back into a human.

Diluc admired the determination and courage of this boy named Tanjiro. He felt that if Tanjiro had been born in Teyvat, Tanjiro would probably have pyro vision just like him.

Pyro vision is vision that has the element of fire. Usually people who have pyro vision are people who have strong determination and courage after experiencing deep sadness.

In his case, he had his vision after witnessing his father being killed. At that time he felt angry and sad, he was angry at the person who killed his father. But more than that, he felt very sad because of his father's death.

It was then that he felt a hot sensation in his body, and then a small object with a red colored gem appeared in his hand. It was a vision, and the red gem on it symbolized pyro, which meant he had pyro vision.

Diluc sighed as he suddenly remembered his past. Every time he read manga, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

At times like that, she felt annoyed at the manga writer in his hands. Because that manga writer always made manga that could make his emotional. But despite he annoyance, he still wanted to read more manga, as if he had become addicted and found it hard to stop.

Diluc had a complicated expression on his face while he was reading the manga. He sighed and said. "Damn it, I keep wanting to read more chapters."

"I wonder what happens after Tanjiro finishes his training, is he going to the Demon Slayer headquarters?" He said while looking at the last page of the manga which depicted Tanjiro successfully defeating masked man in a sword fight.

Their sword fight was quite interesting to watch, as he was also a sword user. He was amazed by the swordsmanship displayed in the manga, wondering if he could replicate the sword techniques in the manga?

But it would be difficult because he was a big sword user or commonly called a Claymore sword. Whereas the sword techniques shown in the manga used a thin sword called a Katana. He knew that type of sword, usually only used by swordsmen from the eastern country, a country called Inazuma.

Well, basically the sword techniques in the manga would not be suitable for him to use. And in the end he decided not to think too much about it. After all, it wasn't like his own swordsmanship was bad.

Remembering Inazuma, he suddenly remembered the information saying that Ren Kazuma came from Inzuma.

"Hm... Looks like the information about he coming from Inazuma is true. Well, at least that way, I'm getting more and more certain that he's not from the Abyss Order organization or something."

If Ren heard what Diluc said, he would just look at him flatly because Diluc suspected him too much, right? However, it was understandable because Diluc was a kind of Batman of Monstadt city. If Diluc was born in the DC world, he would definitely be the second Batman besides Bruce Wayne.


Meanwhile, at the Happy Heaven bookstore.

Ren is currently sitting relaxing, no. He didn't really relax, due to the presence of two people sitting in front of him.

The two people are Amber and Barbara.

"Ren! W-What's your relationship with this silver-haired woman? Why are you two living together?" Amber asked while pointing at Grayfia who was standing while wearing a maid outfit beside him. She glared at him as if demanding an explanation from him.

"Ren Ren I also need an explanation." Barbara said calmly with a smile. However, her eyes didn't smile at all.

Grayfia who felt the hostility of the two women did not flinch, and just stood beside him calmly. But there was a hint of arrogance on her face, as she stared at the two women who were antagonizing her.

Amber and Barbara noticed that Grayfia had a slightly arrogant expression on her face which annoyed both of them.

Ren saw all this sighed and said. "Calm down you two. The silver-haired girl beside me is called Grayfia, she is a maid and worker in my bookstore. And of course she lives with me because it will be easier to do her job. Please get along with her okay?"

Amber sighed. She knew that her current actions were somewhat impulsive due to her jealousy. "I see... Sorry, that I shouted earlier." Then he looked at Grayfia. "I also apologize to you Grayfia. By the way, my name is Amber, Outrider of the Knights of Favonius. You can call me Amber."

Barbara also apologized for her rudeness earlier, then she introduced herself. "My name is Barbara, I am a deacon of the Church of Favonius. You can also call me Barbara."

Seeing the two apologize. Grayfia smiled and said. "It's okay, Amber, Barbara. As you all know, my name is Grayfia. I'm a maid who serves master in every way."

"In every way?"

Amber and Barbara were confused, but they felt something was wrong with her words. Then they both glared at Ren again as if to say 'Explain'.

Ren's lips twitched, he looked at Grayfia beside him. Wondering why she said something that made people misunderstand. But Grayfia who was stared at by him was just silent while smiling.

He sighed, turned to the two jealous women and said. "In every way Grayfia is referring to is like cooking, cleaning, and helping me with my work at the bookstore. Are you guys thinking of something else hm... Something perverted?"

Ren said with a teasing smile.

Amber and Barbara's faces turned red, because it was true that they were thinking of something perverted.

"No, you misunderstood! I-I didn't think of anything like that!"

"Wawawawa! A-As deaconess, I... I..."

Seeing the two panicking and blushing. Ren sighed in relief, this way he could change the topic from talking about him and Grayfia. He wasn't dense enough to not realize the feelings the two of them had towards him.

Amber seemed to have fallen in love with him, yet she was still confused because she didn't know what she felt. As for Barbara, she had a fangirl-like admiration and there were also romantic feelings for him, but feeling it were still competing with each other.

He was sure that if he asked either of the two of them out on a date, they would both accept. But he wouldn't do it now, because he had already asked another woman to go date with him first.

The woman he asked out was Jean, and right now he was still waiting for a response from her. If she agrees to date him, then he will date her first and make her fall in love with him. Then only after that, he will deal with the other woman.

Ren knew at this moment, he was like a bastard who treated women like pokemons. But he can't help it, okay? After all, after coming to the fictional world, he was determined to achieve his dream, which was to own a Harem.

However he would not be so greedy as wanting all the beautiful women he met. He only wants his favorite women, er and he's sure there won't be too many of them. It would be troublesome after all if he had too many women for him to take care of.


After Amber and Barbara were satisfied talking about many things with him today, they both went back to their respective homes. He could see the dissatisfaction on Amber's face, especially when she kept glancing at Grayfia who stayed at the bookstore with him. But he just sighed and did not say anything to her at that time.

Late at night, when Grayfia was already sleeping in her room. He was currently lying in his room looking at his system notifications.

[DING! Charles has purchased the manga "Kimetsu no Yaiba". You get 100exp!]

[DING! Coordinator Knights of Favonius, Hertha has purchased the manga "Kimetsu no Yaiba". You get 100exp!]

[DING! Master of the Dawn Winery, Diluc Ragnvindr has purchased the "Kimetsu no Yaiba" manga. You get 100exp!]

[DING! Captain Calvary Knights of Favonius, Kaeya Alberich has purchased the "Kimetsu no Yaiba" manga. You get 100exp!]

[DING! Lawrance has purchased the manga "Kimetsu no Yaiba". You get 100exp!]

[DING! An exorcist from Liyue, Chongyun has purchased the manga "Weathering with you". You get 100exp!]

[DING! 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, Hu Tao has purchased the manga "Your Name". You get 100exp!]

[DING! Yuheng of Liyue Qixing, Keqing has purchased the "Your Name" manga. You get 100exp!]

[DING! Master of the Dawn Winery, Diluc Ragnvindr has a deep impression on your manga! You get 100exp!]

[DING! Archon Geo, Morax has a deep impression on your manga! You get 200exp!]

[DING! An exorcist from Liyue, Chongyun has a deep impression on your manga! You get 100exp!]





Ren smiled contentedly at his numerous system notifications. He didn't bother looking at all the notifications, and saw only a few.

"1011 notifications for today."

"Hm... Should I publish Kimetsu no Yaiba on Liyue? But it hasn't been long since Your Name and Weathering With You were released there. Well, I'd better wait a little longer for that."


In the night sky of Liyue which dotted with stars and the moon. There was a building floating in the air. The building had an enormous size, which could accommodate many people inside.

Inside the floating building, to be precise in a room. A woman is reading manga while sitting by the window.

The woman's appearance was very beautiful. She had pale white skin, reddish-orange eyes, an hourglass body with perfect round breasts, and long white hair that seemed to shine in the moonlight. For her outfit, she wore a white qipao with gold-colored patterns that accentuated her bare white thighs.

That woman was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful women in Liyue. She had a lot of charm to make people pay attention to her, especially the attention of men. The mens were often lustful when they saw her, because she was so very beautiful. But no one dared to look at her with a lewdy gaze, at least not from a close distance. Because she held such a high status in Liyue that no one dared to offend her, let alone make her angry.

The woman's name was Ningguang. She was the Tianquan of Liyue Qixing, and the owner of the floating building named Jade Chamber.

She was currently smiling gently while looking at the manga page she was reading. The manga page depicted a boy and a girl who were freefalling in the sky. They were both trying to reach out to each other and shouting each other's names in the sky. Until the two of them were finally able to hold each other's hands and....

"Yes! You finally made it Hodoka!" Ningguang was so happy that she wanted to scream when she saw Hodoka and Hina managed to reunite.

The manga she is currently reading is called "Weathering with you" which has recently been released by Feiyun Commerce Guild. This was not the first manga she had read, as she had previously read other manga called "Angel Beats" and "Your Name. They were all so good that she couldn't sleep for a long time, as she felt very emotional when she finished reading them.

Especially when she had finished reading the manga titled "Angel Beats". Damn, her eyes were swollen because she cried too much back then. She didn't expect that after living for so long, she could still cry just from reading a fictional story.

At that time she didn't want to leave her room until her eyes returned to normal, because she didn't want others to see her miserable condition.

Ningguang sighed, when she saw that the manga page in her hand had run out, which meant that the manga "Weathering with you" was ended. At times like this she often felt empty. As if she had lost something precious.

"This feeling again ha... It's times like this that I want to meet him, and ask if there are any other new manga that he has created."

The person she was referring to was a manga author named Ren Kazuma. According to the information she had gotten. He was a businessman from Monstadt city, who cooperated with the Feiyun Commerce Guild to sell his manga in Liyue city.

She did not have any photos or images of his appearance, but according to the information. He was a 17-year-old handsome young man who had fair skin, short black hair, blue eyes and an athletic build.

She had actually ordered her servants to send an invitation to Ren Kazuma to ask him to come to the Jade Chamber. But it was difficult to contact him because he seemed to live in Monstadt city which was far away from Liyue city.

If she met him, she wanted to make him work with her and make him stay in Liyue city. She could even give him a high position in Liyue, provided he could create more manga for her to read.

Ningguang got up from her chair and lay down on her bed. She sighed again as a uncomportable feeling still lingered in her heart after she finished reading the manga.

"Ren Kazuma... I really have to meet him." Her soft voice echoed within her room, before she closed her eyes to sleep.

But after closing her eyes for a few minutes, she still couldn't even sleep. In her mind she blamed Ren Kazuma, for making her keep thinking about the manga he created.

If Ren knew that Ningguang, one of his favorite characters was thinking about him and wanted to meet him. He would smirk and quickly teleport to Liyue to meet her!


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