Chapter 63 Ryan heartily changed his mind

Too closed laying down beside Jacky, who romantically felt how perfect to have her hubby. With him, her night was completed; indeed, she got inspired to her life, even if she was just assumed it. She never woke up unless Ryan would call her name, can't deny the fact she never felt famished laying down with him, especially if her nose perfectly smelled at his shoulder.

Joshua hungrily waited in the kitchen, he wanted to eat but his mommy did not prepare food for him, So, he quickly went to the door, just to let her know. He loudly knocked the door, but his mommy did not open it. His mind got afraid if ever Jacky cut her neck, since Ryan never went back to their house.

In the dark house, Atty. Sweety never stopped falling down her tears while she was looking at the wall, can't hold her heart; to feel terrible when she casted back how imperative to have a cool hubby.

Every time, she found her mother, who showed her smile. That time, she unintentionally felt that Hanna was a demon, not only that but also, the woman who took over her life. She really wanted to face her death without Ryan, but she did not know if the sun might give her a chance to go back in the world.

Hanna perfectly made a food for her daughter. She successfully delivered it for her, though Sweety took her food, but she never wasted her time, to talk with her. It was silently going out the room; just to feel her silent response. On the other hand, Dr. Henny went to the hospital, to serve the patient for the second time. He trusted his mother-in-law, who would sweetly take her night for Sweety. He actually craved to give his time for her, however his ears always slipped back, what Sweety told him," I don't need your heart, just give me a few days, to feel the unfeigned world." That time, Atty. Sweety treated the doctor, who had taken his second death in the real world. She never expected to see his presence again, except the guy, who touched her heart.

Every night, Atty. Sweety waited the star, just to enlighten the entire world, to gaze at Ryan who might come tonight, to give a perfect love for her. Her imagination was beyond the globe about the elegant guy, who perfectly touched her arms.

Wherever Sweety gazed at the room, her eyes could picture out how elegant the guy was! That would be the reason why she fell in love with him. There, she wanted to be touched just to end her feelings for him. Indeed, there was a hot wind which perfectly touched her body.

It has been taking two nights of waiting for his mother, who never came out from her room. So, Joshua quickly went to the door, to use the key, just to open it directly. So far he never mattered how long it took, as long as, he could open it. Consequently, the door has opened, his eyes were unexpectedly gazing at Ryan, who lay down beside his mother. Instead of entering the room, his feet went back to the kitchen, just to cook his food.

Jacky got worried about her son, who silently trudged the floor. Her ears were perfectly noticed in him, she wanted to get out but Ryan was still sleeping beside her body. Can't deny that she felt famished in her stomach. So, she silently stood up, to cook delicious food for her hubby, who looked awesome to her eyes. That time, Ryan sweetly held her legs," I'm back in your heart, I would never waste my time for the lawyer," it was very soft reaching at Jacky's heart.

"Really?" Her eyebrow was trembling while she looked at him, can't deny the fact, she insanely wanted to give her precious response for him. Instead of telling the truth, she slightly got mad looking at his face.

A soft voice," you didn't know me?" then, Ryan sweetly held her hips again," how to ask an apology for you," then, Jacky uttered her response," you can stay here for our family, but please don't hurt my precious heart," it was very awesome reaching at Ryan's heart. He jumped up many times, just to show how happy he was with her. And then, he requested a nice food, to be cooked by his wife.

In the kitchen, Jacky well-explained to her son about the event in life, while she was cooking the delicious food exclusively for the family, if Ryan might take it. He would eventually fall in love with his wife; indeed, his nose really amazed at it. That time, he spent his time with Joshua, who happily talked with him. Here, he heartily asked for an apology, just to prove how imperative to have a family with him.

That moment, Joshua delightedly heard how awesome to have his daddy in life. He took his time, to hug his daddy, who cried his eyes for him. So far, he couldn't measure how pleased he was tonight with him. He wished that his daddy would never change his mind, except to love and care the family.

He never stopped wishing for something, even if his body was just laying down in the bed after he took his lunch, while Sweety hurriedly went back to her bed when she ultimately gazed at the couple, who perfectly took their dating. That time, she wanted to shout, just to show how anger she was! It was loudly shaking the whole house, even Hanna who loudly heard it while she was staying in her car.

Hanna quickly went back to the house; to look for her daughter. Her mind thought that Sweety might take a suicide while she was laying down her bed. She noisily knocked the door, however Sweety never opened the door, no matter how loud she pulled the door. On the left side, she found out much blood which floated on the floor, can't hold her voice," darling, don't do that, I'm still needing your life," she got depressed if ever she just looked at it without proof.

She went back to the kitchen, to get the water; to fully flush the blood, while Dr. Henny couldn't concentrate staying in the hospital, what he always heard, Sweety's cry, he wanted to fly out from here. However, many clients have trusted his hands for the operation.

Now, Ryan and Jacky were going to the beach; to celebrate their 10th anniversary with full of surprise. So far, their happiness couldn't be measure, even the king couldn't do that for them, while Joshua gladly noticed how sweet his parents were. He was positively hoping that his daddy might never alter his mind.

Would his dream happen at Ryan's heart?