Chapter 64 Ryan happily bonded with his family

Long time taking their nights on the beach, anyway all of them were getting thrilled to bits, celebrating their awesome nights. Now on, Ryan deeply appreciated how imperative to have a family, he couldn't measure how pleased he was.

Alongside to him, Jacky gladly stared at him; her heart felt the unfeigned presence of the moon, which perfectly touched her heart. That time, Joshua gladly looked at the star which brightly showed its awesome presence to them. With it, his heart candidly believed that his parents were reflecting by.

That would opposite what the lawyer felt; indeed, she never pulled out the blood in her body, just to feel how terrible her life was. That time, Hanna finally opened the door, what she found her daughter was laying down in her, who looked like a dead. Her mouth widely opened to call her," hey, what's your problem? How could I give a perfect happiness for you?"

And then, Atty. Sweety rounded her eyebrow," can you please get my room?" then, her cell kept on trembling, just to pull out her madness. But Hanna never left the room, just to sympathize her daughter

"No, I would stay here for you," and then, she confidently gave her hugged for, even if the lawyer never recognized her presence. That time, Sweety wanted to slap her mother,, just to give her madness, instead of reveling her intention," if you would not leave my room, I would push the knife in my arms," and then, her hands were started to hold the sharp material.

"Hey, don't do that Dr. Henny is caring for you," then, the doctor finally arrived in the gate with full of fright while his eyes were gazing at the dark house. His mind thought that maybe the lawyer had gone to the mansion. So, he quickly ran to the floor, just to search for her.

A loud voice," stop holding that knife darling," and then, the medical doctor clearly saw her," hey honey, I would die if you'll gone to my eyes," and then, Dr. Henny swiftly went to the bed; to hug her," don't do that okay," then, he slightly kissed her.

A harsh voice," don't push your face to my face," she felt awkward attaching by his kiss. It was perfectly varied with Ryan, how he gave his kiss to her. That time, Ryan gave his kiss to Jacky, while they were riding on the boat together. He could not deny the fact that his heart quickly moved forward to the waves that he saw. It was perfectly identical how Sweety gave her special kiss for him. With that, he slipped back how valuable that woman to his life, but he would not fall in love with him, as long as, he could not gaze at her again.

A sweet voice," what are you talking honey?" And then, she slightly gave her kiss exclusively for him again. And then," I just casted back how imperative to have a sexy girl like you, honey," and then, he gave his kiss for her again. That time, Joshua took a video what they did, it was momentous in the night.

Such a night, Ryan felt too cold taking their date on the waves. So, he decided to carry his honey to the hotel where they started their pleasure night, while Joshua never took his sleep due to his unmeasurable happiness that he felt with his family. That time, Dr. Henny forced himself to stay at Sweety's room, his arms were getting hot touching at her, however Sweety candidly uttered his voice," don't stay here because my body is already died."

"No, you're still alive in my heart honey,"

"I'm already died, so don't talk to me anymore," and then, she started to close her eyes, she never wanted to be touched except at Ryan's hands, while Jacky had already laid down in her bed, she felt hot when Ryan hugged in her. She really excited what would Ryan do for her.

A sweet hand pulled her t-shirt," do you want to start your pleasure night with me?" And then, his captivating smile showed at her which would suited at Jacky's smile. That would form into their hot feelings, so Ryan quickly opened the door of her t-shirt, what he finally saw, her hotness and sexy body. That time, he really got insane to look at her beauty. With her, he couldn't cast back to the beautiful lawyer anymore.

"Why are you so silent honey?" His voice pulled at Jacky's body to shake at his hands. It was incredibly awesome dancing in his body. With that, his t-shirt finally and pants were finally removed in the bed.

"I can't wait to be attached with your hot body." And then, she romantically looked at how hot the guy was! With him, she looked like an angel, just to prove how virgin she was! That time, Ryan sweetly put his body at Jacky's body together, it was very hot attaching in their bodies in the bed. Both of them considered it as their final happiness on the earth.

With her, Ryan would be willing to change his life after taking at Jacky's body. He would be getting insane if Jacky might gone to his eyes, even if it was just a second. That time, he kept on asking himself why he could not slipped back at Sweety's shadow which ultimately touched his shoulder.