Goodbye, my son.

Several carriages started lending in the middle of the only plane in Mint.

Three of those were pulled by Pegasus, the fanciest one, instead, was pulled by a Wyvern.

The red lesser dragon was enormous; his wingspan was at least twenty metres wide.

Kayden was already waiting in the middle of the clearing where they landed.

He reached the carriage with his family crest printed on it.

Axel and his family came out of it.


"Axel… You have really done it this time… I can't help you out of it." Kayden whispered in Axel's ear while hugging him. "Stay strong!"

Then he faced the rest of his son's family. He hugged his grandsons with affection and gave a stern look to Mary who standed there with her chest filled with pride and arrogance.

While Kayden went to greet the other guests, Mary murmured.

"Humph, he still hates me… TCH!"

Kayden visited the other carriages pulled by pegasus. The crests of two of the other four dukes of the kingdom were carved on the door of the carriages. One crest displayed a Griffon and the other a Roc, a gigantic bird with four wings and the head of an elephant.

An old man came out of each of the carriages. One had golden hair, a long beard and a sturdy body, his eyes were red and a spear on his back.

The other one had red brownish hair, a shaved face and a slender build, his eyes were of a deep green. A gigantic two-handed broadsword was floating a couple of inches away from his back.

With his build it seemed impossible for him to swing that colossal sword.

"Alright stop showing off and put your weapons away, you geezers. Where do you think we are? The frontline?" Kayden yelled in annoyance.

"AHAHAHAH! I see that the attitude of your late wife rubbed off on you, old friend." The golden haired man said while putting his weapon away in his dimensional ring.

"Shut up, Rudnig! That's very rude!" The other one said while doing the same.

"Leave it, Marcus. He always was envious of me for my beautiful and talented wife."

"As if! I feared her more than a deity rank beast. Only the thought of her angry face still gives me goosebumps!"

"Shut up! And stop being rude, Rud!" A woman slapped the back of the man's head from behind.

"My love, you heard us?! AHAHahah…" This time Rudnig's laugh was awkward as he nervously scratched his head.

"Sam! You are more beautiful than what I remembered!" Kayden said as he kissed the back of the woman's hand, bowing like a true casanova.

Samantha was Rudnig's partner and fiancé since their time in the army. She was a beauty with a caramel skin tone, black wavy hair and brilliant green eyes. She was one of the best magic archers of the continent.

"You say the same thing every time we see each other. Sorry for what this doofus said, I'll give him a beating when we are back home." Those words made Rudnig flinch on the spot.

"Don't give him a hard time. I know he didn't mean it like that." Kayden said feeling guilty as he saw Rudnig pleading eyes.

From the carriages came out the heirs of each family. They were thirteen and both of them greatly resembled their grandparents both in build and preferred weapons.

"Since you bragged so much about your beloved grandson we decided to bring ours with us. Is it a problem?" Marcus politely asked.

"A problem? Not for Marduk but I can't assure you it will not create problems for them."

Saying this Kayden left them and went towards the fancy carriage pulled by the red Wyvern.

"What did he mean, Grandpa?" the young heirs of the Roc family asked Marcus.

"Nothing he was only bragging, Reus."

Marcus and Rudnig exchanged a worried look.

The last one of the carriages was far more luxurious than the others. It was made of the white wood of the silver tree, a very rare plant that could only be found in the glacial lands of the north. And while the frame of the other carriages were made in gold, this one was made in Mithril, the third best conductor of mana in the whole word.

Kayden kneeled in front of the still closed door.

The door opened and a young girl came out of it.

"I humbly welcome the youngest princess of the kingdom, Astrid Diana de Dalia."

Though Astrid was just nine years old she still gave a perfect greeting fit for her status. Her beautiful silver hair was moved by the strong wind as she jumped in Kayden's embrace. She was wearing a white sundress which exalted her blue eyes and her plump, pink lips.

"Grandpa Kayden! How are you?" Her smile was genuine and pure. Her blue eyes were vibrant in colour and full of happiness.

"Oh oh, princess I have been very well. But you shouldn't call me Grandpa or your real Grandpa will cry…" Kayden's words concealed a tone of mock.

"UMPH, if my grandfather desires my love next time he should buy me that staff I wanted!!"

"Oh, sweetie pie. You know I don't desire for you to learn how to fight." A rough but warm voice escaped from inside the carriage.

An old man in his fifties came out from the carriage. With his silver hair and bright green eyes, he emanated an aura of strength and elegance. He was wearing a long black cape that reached all the way down to his feet.

'Damn! He really came!'

"I greet the sun of Dalia, King Ronald Lex de Dalia!" Kayden immediately said as he kneeled to the ground.

Behind him everyone followed his lead and kneeled with their hands pressed on their chest.

"Get up, I'm no longer the king. It has already been some years since I abdicated the throne for my son. And Kayden, what have you just said to my sweetie pie?!" Ronald said in a threatening tone.

"What? I just said the whole truth, Ron. Stop being such a wuss." Everyone's heart skipped a beat as they stared at one another in silence.

The time's flow seemed to stop for a couple of seconds.

Not even an insect dared to move in the whole plane.

Then suddenly one of the guards moved forward.

"Such impudence! How dare you talk like that to the royal family!!" He roared unsheathing his sword and pointing it towards Kayden.

Suddenly both Ronald and Kayden emanated their aura towards the guard.

If looks could kill the escort would have died two times already.

When his knees started shaking nervously and as he wondered if his time had come, the voice which seemed to belong to an angel, spoke.

"Sir Kayden, Grandfather! If you two don't stop it right now Astrid will get REALLY angry. You are scaring everyone!" Astrid ordered in a scolding tone.

"AHAHAHAH! Kayden, my old friend! Is so good seeing you again!" Ronald rashly said as cold sweat poured down his neck.

"OH OH! It is indeed good to see you again, your majesty!" Kayden's tone was even more rushed than Ronald's, if possible.

"Oh stop it with the formalities, it has been a long time, should we sit and catch up?" Ronald said, walking towards Kayden's house.

"UMPH, you better keep it like that." Astrid's cute voice spoke once again.

'Now everything is ready, but … where is Marduk? It's nearly time to start.' Kayden thought as a strange uncomfortableness clenched his heart.

"Your training is nearing its end! Tomorrow you will be back to the land of mortals." The clear and soft voice of Fortis reverberated in the empty room.

Marduk was lying down on the floor, exhausted. h

He started talking, recomposing himself.

"Thanks for all your help, Fortis. In this couple of years you have been the mother I never had."

Those words reached Fortis' deepest feelings. She couldn't keep her tears from falling down her beautiful face.

"Ara, What's this? Why am I crying at those beautiful words?" Her uneasiness moved Marduk's heart who hugged her to try and console her.

"Mom don't you worry, I will bring justice to those wretched gods!" Marduk's words once again hit the right string making Fortis sigh in relief.

"Thanks, child. I will watch you from here, waiting for your arrival." She hugged the boy back, squeezing him with love.

"Now, you should sleep. When you wake up you will already be back home." Fortis' voice, which was now much more relaxed and relieved, broke the silence and the embrace.

"Yes, see you soon, Mom." As he said those words he immediately fell asleep.

"Goodbye, my son."

That night Fortis didn't sing instead she cried in silence all night long.

She cried from happiness, thanks to Marduk's words, and from the pain, the thought of the dangers he will inevitably face in the future, caused her.