
In the meantime, Jane's house.

Marduk was slowly opening his eyes, still scanning his surroundings when suddenly strong pain jolted all over his body.

"AAAARGH!!" He shouted through his teeths.

Jane bursted into the room.

"What is going on?!"

When she saw Marduk's convulsing body on her bed, she was shocked.

She hurried to the bedside.

"Kiddo! What the hell is going on?!"

Jane in all her years of experience, as a mage and as a healer, had never seen something like that.

"Jane! RRGH! Tear up my shirt and help me to sit up!"

Jane did as instructed and was shocked two times more when he saw with her eyes Marduk's body.

'His body is covered in scars of swords and claws!'

"It's the result of my traini-UGGGH!"

Her eyes were wide open and Marduk instantly saw through her even though his vision was clouded by the pain.

But what shocked her even more was when she caught on what was happening to Marduk.

"WAIT! How is your body healing by itself from those scars!?"

"It's my mom's gift!"

Marduk's words confused Jane even more, if possible.

'His mom? When did he even meet his mother?'

"Now I need time, this will take at least half an hour."

Marduk said just before going silent to focus on meditating.

'Half an hour in that state, what is this child!?'

Jane's stupor was due to Marduk's body state. His skin was so red that one could believe he was soaked in blood from head to toe.

His veins were so visible that they seemed ready to burst, showering the whole room in blood.

He was sweating so much that his shorts were already drenched.

'Now I understand why he told me to tear his shirt… But how can a child have such a fit body?'

Jane decided to stay by Marduk's side until the end, to help him in case of necessity and to observe this strange occurrence.

Half an hour later, Marduk's symptoms started to fade; he was now able to open his eyes and focus on his surroundings.

"Kiddo! How do you feel?"

"Stronger and more flexible than ever. Even my senses are way better now." Even with his apathetic nature Marduk excitement could be felt in his voice.

Marduk scanned his body from head to toe.

'My body is much sturdier and I even grew a couple of inches. My muscles are much denser and supple. Even my bones, mana patterns and veins grew stronger and are much more stable and resilient.'

When he finished checking his own body Marduk looked up to Jane, as he now noticed her clothing.

She was sitting a meter away from the bed with her long leg crossed, with her arms resting on top of her knees. She was only in her black lingerie. Her ample breaths firmly squized in that flimsy piece of black lace seemed ready to burst out any moment now.

"Hey Jane thanks for the help, but couldn't you put something on during the past half an hour?" Marduk said teasingly as he quickly shifted his sight the other way.

Jane's face immediately became as red as her hair.

'Thank god he can't see me right now.'

"Cough! What's the problem? Is it the first time you have seen a full fledged woman in her lingerie?" She said, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Well duh, I'm a nin- no wait seven years old boy who lived half his life in a forest training and the other half ostracized by society. What did you expect?"

Luckily for Jane, he was still facing the other side as she became even redder than before.

'He is so mature that I forgot he is only seven! How embarrassing'

"Wait, we are avoiding the subject! Shouldn't we talk about the elephant in the room?"

Jane asked, overwhelmed by her own curiosity and concern.

"Well… that's for another time. We should really go to the party! And I obviously need a change of clothes… and a shower…"

Marduk said in an awkward way, trying his best to avoid the topic.

'There is simply no way I could tell you I met a Goddess in those couple of minutes and trained with her for two whole years! Who would believe it and even if it would be too dangerous to expose about myself. What if one of the Gods opposing Fortis found out? It would be a disaster for me and Mother! There is no way I will ever tell someone about it!'

Marduk thought while softly shaking his head.

"UFF, alright, I understand… But I won't give up, someday you will have to explain what happened today."

She said while snappin her hand to activate a spell to cleanse Marduk's body.

"What a strange sensation, I don't like it… Well better than nothing."

'Now I need clothes… Let's sneak back into my room.'

"See you later Jane!"

"Bye, Kiddo."

Marduk bolted through Mint jumping from roof to roof, rapidly reaching Kayden's house.

He sensed various presence through the large oak wood door.

'The party has already started, I need to enter from the window.'

Marduk had a clear plan in mind and was ready to play it out.

He jumped on the roof of the stall behind the house and jumped once again in the direction of his room's window, reaching it easily.

Luck was in his favor and the window was open, he could easily sneak in, but suddenly the door of the room creaked as it slowly opened.

Marduk had to think fast so he decided to grip on the windowsill.

Telia's voice coulld be heard trought the open window.

"He is not here, Where did that rascal run off to this time." She said as she closed the door.

'Sorry, Telia, it would have been a pain in the ass to explain why my clothes are all tattered and drenched.' Marduk thouht as he entered the room, concealing his presence.

He took out his only party dress it was a white long shirt with a black cape with purple collar and decoration and black long pants.

'Good enough...' He though climbing once again out of the window making his way back to the front door.

He could hear the cheerful voices inside having fun and chatting.

'Well, here goes nothing.' He tought when suddenly the door opened and Kayden came out of it.

"Took your time getting changed, disciple?"

'He knows, but how? Did he felt my presence when I was in my room.'

"Sorry, I was indecisive on my attire..."

"PFFF, as if YOU gave a damn about your attire. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kayden couldn't contain his laugh.

"Wait a second did you grow a couple of inches this past hour? And why do you seem more handsome than before?!"

"Of course, and a dragon is landing in our garden..."

A sudden gust of wind strongly blew from the garden.

"Well it seems that a dragon did land in our garden..." Kayden said barely keeping himself from laughing.

"Who the hell did you invite to the partry, old man?!"

"Come on go inside, they are waiting... I will entratain our last minute guest in the meantime..." Kayden said making way for Marduk to enter.

"Whatever you say, old man."

As Marduk had take the first step trough the door the guests went silent. A second later everyone from Mint roared.

"Happy birthday, Marduk!!!!"

"I welcome everyone and thanks you all for coming all the way here in the outskirts of the kingdom. I am Marduk Griffith and I'm happy to see all of you here. I hope you will enjoy and have fun."

Marduk said with respect and composure, still mantaining his monotonic voice and plain expression.

While Marduk was readying himself to formally introduce himself to his esteemed guest, a hateful and annoying voice roared.


It was Mary who couldn't contain herself at those words.

"Please Miss Van Licht, lower your tone and contain yourself. We are in front of various guest of great importance."

Marduk answered with coldness and distance.



Once again she was interrupted as her cheek reddened.

"SHUSH! You are shaming our family name more than him!"

Axel voice said in a low tone that was still high enough to be heard by the whole hall.

Several sneakers sparked to life until Axel spoke ince again.

"Marduk are you sure about this?"

"Of course, I thank you wholeheartely for raising me until now. I am now strong enough to fend for myself, I hope you can understand."

Marduk's voice was full of confidence and void of any emotion.

"What's all the drama, Kayden?"

Selina made her entrance. Kayden just behind her, answered.

"Well he is finally standing up for himself, so shut up, you old hag."

"Bastard! Should I teach you a lession once again?!"

Curtin roared from the back.

"Stop it! Both of you!" Selina's tone was close to a growl.

"So you are Marduk..." She spoke again analyizing Marduk's body.

'He grew even stronger! And his body gives off a strange sensation...' Selena thought.

"Sorry for my rudeness but who are you, lady?"

Marduk asked in confusion.

"You are finally here, Selina!"

An hoarse voice made itself known as Ronald approached Selina. Just behind him Astrid was walking intimidated from all the shouting.