Chapter 3 You're back

They stood their ground unfazed, the time seems to pause witnessing the two souls embrace each other.

   One would say that 'Romeo revive death to hold his Juliet', well it seems.

   She hugged him tighter crying out loud, the tears spoke many things for those who have ears.

    Tears flowed like a river from her blue eyes, her body started to shake as she sob and she bit his cloth before shouting hell to earth.

  Josh embraced her not to let her go as he sucked out the air left in him. Silent tear left his eyes, he kissed her hair brushing it slightly.

   No one moved from their spot. Lidya couldn't help but hold her husband's arm not to fall. She saw her daughter's tear stream. Her vision blurred with tears, there was unspoken feeling in all of them.

  Dylan rubbed her back his gaze fixed on his daughter.

  Same goes to Jensen, as she covered her mouth with her hands trying not to make any sound. 

   Frank evolved his arm around Jensen shoulder pulling her to a hug. 

  And Ben was looking at everyone till his eyes landed on his brother. He watched them cry and too many emotions swirling through his head.

   He was about to cry, this was not a part of drama. It was in real life. A real life where healing begins. Tear was gonna escape his eyes, when he spoke

    "Let her go, she is not running or something" he chuckled trying to ease the atmosphere. 

    Josh and Elenore were back to time when they heard Ben's statement and they let go each other slowly. Adverting their gaze both of them wipe their tears.

   "Come here little sis" Ben pulled her for another hug ruffling her hair as he held her tight. 

   "Oh, Ben didn't know you missed me this much" Elenore teased as she hugged him back patting his back.

  Letting her go he fixed his gaze on her 

   "Dummy I missed you" he flashed a warm smile, which she replied twice as sweet.

   She turned and looked Josh's parents. She walked straight to them and hugged them together and they both did.

    "Ah!! Elenore my little girl" Jensen murmured under her breath.

  She let go and kissed her on both cheeks and Frank stroke her hair gently.

   "Auntie Uncle how are you?" Elenore asked as she looked at them fondly.

   "Even better" Frank replied. 

   While the rest were saying their welcome to each other, the driver stood next to his car watching every seen. He was thinking 'what is all this? Have they been apart for forever...' thousands of question was filling his mind until he heard an angelic voice snapping him

   "Hey, chauffeur you spaced out" Elenore called as he smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

   "Hey its good to meet you..." her voice trailed off as she didn't know what his name was.

   "Jack" he said it in a hush tone. 

   "Jack, am Elenore thanks for the hospitality. Hope we meet some other time" she gave him a smile with a nod.

   His gaze never left her blue eyes swollen a bit of the cry. "Yeah" he scratched his head and his hand moved to his pocket taking out what it seems a business card. He handed her.

    "Here is my business card if you need a ride" he said extending his hand towards her.

   "I will, have a good night Jack" she bid him good bye and he left.

   They all went inside Josh's house. They sat by the fire while Jensen and Frank went to prepare dinner.

  Elenore and Josh was sitting together cuddling. And Ben was by their side. Lidya and Dylan were sitting in front them as they hold each other hand.

   "Jesus Josh!!!" Ben exclaimed. Making everyone turn to him. Josh frowned at him "what???" He said.

   "Let her go your sucking all the air out of her" he teased.

   "Alright you boys" Elenore spoke letting Josh go "Am gonna hug Ben for now" she winked Josh and moved over Ben.

   "Ummm Elenore..." Ben trailed off as her face landed on his shoulder and her hands around his waist. He wasn't expecting this.

  She settled herself and his arm around her "I thought you missed me dummy" she teased.

   They laughed at the childishness. At the same moment Jensen and Frank came announcing dinner. All of them stood up and walked to the dinning. Except for Josh and Elenore who excused themselves to the treehouse.

    They all sat in harmony passing the food to one another. Mrs. Jensen cook was perfect. The steak meat alongside with the salad and the potato mush. All was perfect, the table was full. 

     Each moment was counting as they laugh and cherish it.

     "Good Lord Jensen, how did you cook all this its delicious" Lidya grinned.

    "You like it" Jensen asked

     "Like it?" Dylan frowned "we love it its beyond delicious" 

    "Well thank you hope you enjoy it" Jensen beamed.

   "You should've seen mom when she heard about your coming back" Ben spoke as he took a spoonful meat to his mouth.

    "Really what did she do?" Lidya asked a little enthusiastically.

    "Well she called me to confirm" Frank chuckled as he glanced to his wife, he told them the whole story. A huge laugh

   They all enjoyed eating while chatting somethings too. Once dinner was done, they moved to the living room holding their wine. 

   "So how did you convince her to be back?" Frank asked.

  "Actually we didn't the therapist said its better for her. Do you believe that she didn't open up yet" Lidya answered a little bit sadness in her tone.

    "Its not something you do easily and  its hard for her" Jensen answered as her hand reached to Lidya. The two hold hands "she will do it" Jensen reassured.

    "Hope for the better" Dylan said

   "To new beginning" Ben raised his glass of water to create some fun. All raised their glasses and clicked chuckling at his doing.

   "To new beginning" they all said it together.


     Meanwhile in the treehouse Elenore and Josh were having their time of their life. The decoration and the servings he prepared was all like the good days. The only difference is that now they are grownups.

    Elenore couldn't take her eyes off Josh. She was thinking 'how in earth did he turn out to be handsome' she was looking at not even blinking.

   Josh had a dark brown eyes matching with his brown hair, his short hair covering his forehead make him look way cute.

 "Is there something on my face?" Josh teased as he noticed her constant gaze. 

  Elenore cleared her throat and smiled showing her dimples "yes you have"

  Josh frowned and asked " what's it?" 

  She didn't reply instead she put her soft hand to the side of his hair and started moving down slowly.

   She brushed his hair from his forehead to the side and caressed his cute cheek and then his jaw line. Her eves were moving along with her hand as it beamed in admiration.

   Josh was caught off guard and his body turned stiff, he didn't know what to do. His eyes were looking through hers, unknowingly he was smiling.

    "When did you become so cute?" She asked him as her hands left his face, she looked straight through his eyes.

   Josh blushed hearing her compliment. He grinned ear to ear and turned his head to avoid eye contact. 

   "Don't tell me your blushing because of me?" She teased.

   He turned to look her and ruffled her hair "when did you became so bold huh?"

    They both laughed. They are back together like before.

   "Am supper starving let's eat" Elenore opened the pizza box and started eating. "Its good to be back" she mumbled with the food in her mouth.

   "Thank God you're back" Josh murmured