9. Upgrading the Pizzeria and Apologies

A few days pass and I finish rebuilding Mangle. It took a bit since I had to wait for the parts to deliver to my apartment.

My phone started to ring so I walked over, "Hello?" I asked then the person on the phone responded, "Boss, its me Peter. We need you at the pizzeria so we can get new things for the place."

"Alright, I'll come in. I was planning too anyways since I found us some help with the customers getting food problem. I'll see you at the pizzeria." I said before hanging up then turning mangle on. Once she turned on, I took her to my car and told her to lay in the back seat then I got in the driver seat.

-9:23 AM-

I arrived at the pizzeria and led Mangle inside. I explained what she would be doing once the pizzeria opens then let her wonder on her own while I went to the office to find Peter waiting for me by the computer. "Hey Peter." I spoke and walked over to him and saw him on the shop looking at things we could need.

"O-oh boss! I didn't think you would get here so soon." he said a bit shocked but relieved I came in so he wouldn't stay the night shift.

"So it seems like you picked so stuff." I said as I looked at the things he bought which were new tables, a few arcade machines, and a 3 person stage. "Pretty good choices just one thing wrong." I stated

"Huh..? what's wrong with what I picked?" he questioned and I responded, "we only have one performer so buying that stage will waste more money than it could make."

"O-oh.. sorry boss.." he replied with sadness in his voice and I sighed, "Peter it's fine just remove it from the list for now and once i get 2 more animatronics for performing we'll get it. Just think of the good and bad from buying certain items. Also add that medical station to the list." I spoke then smiled.

"You got it boss!" Peter responded in a more happy tone then I left to check up on everyone else that was here which was Lefty and Rose.

I started by poking my head into the kitchen finding Rose cleaning before the day started so I walked up. "Would you like me to find a chica to help with cleaning and cooking in the kitchen since I found mangle for the giving you the orders and bringing them to guests." I said which scared her.

She turned with a knife in her hand to see who it was. "O-oh Night its just you.." she said before letting a sigh of relief out. "Uhh yeah having some help would be nice but why chica?" she asked.

"Well all chica models have a cooking and cleaning mode in their system so they are kinda made for this kind of job." I explained. Then I continue to speak, "I could probably pay for a chica in the shop but you should choose since she'll be your work partner so you should pick her."

She nodded in agreement before I continued to speak, "Don't worry about it for now and let's worry about the day. I'll be here to help in the kitchen for now. I know how to somewhat cook so I'm sure it will be fine."

Once I said this, Rose felt worry that I may mess up but didn't say anything since she didn't want to step out of line. "I'll be back soon Rose." I said before walking out the kitchen and towards the stage to find Lefty.

"Night! You're back!" Lefty ran off the stage and hugged me which hurt my arm since it was still healing unlike the cut on my cheek which was healed. "Yeah, sorry for being gone for a bit." I apologized trying to hide the pain while patting Lefty's head.

"Well warn us next time! Phoney and Alya got worried since you didn't pick up before!" She explained in a serious tone. "Sorry I'll try to warn you guys before disappearing again also his name is Peter not phoney." I said and Lefty let me go before giving me a paper.

"Go call Alya now. She's still worried and you need to apologize!" She yelled which made me just nod my head and take my phone out before dialing Alya's number.

"Hello..?" Alya's voice came from the phone with a tired and worried tone. "Hey Alya. Sorry for worrying you. I've been busy and Lefty told me how you and the others were worried." I said to try and cheer her up.

"Why didn't you contact someone earlier! We were worried!" she yelled but I could tell she was happy I was alright. "I'm sorry. I promise i won't but you should sleep Alya. I'll be here when your shift starts so you can punch me in the chest when you get back." I responded before she hung up. 'Guess I don't get a goodbye.'