10. I Warned You..

Once she hung up, I understood she wanted to sleep to wake up faster or leave to the pizzeria now but I was hoping for the first option.

Soon we opened the pizzeria and i started working in the kitchen with Rose. I handed her the ingredients she needed and delivered the completed pizza and desserts to Mangle so she could give it to the customers. As we cooked we chatted, "So why were you gone for 2 whole days without warning boss?" Rose questioned as she was spreading the cheese onto the pizza.

"Well uhh.." I sighed "My uncle had a job for me, It's how I found Mangle. I had to visit an abandoned pizzeria to find how many unusable animatronics were there and how many usable ones there were. He got the job since he works as a scrapper but he's old so I did the job for him to help him out and got Mangle as a gift but also this.." I lied through my teeth but she believed the story as I rolled up my sleeve which revealed my bandaged arm which made her drop the pizza that she was about to put in the oven out of shock then she grabbed my arm to look at it not caring for the pizza she dropped.

"Ow ow ow ow!" I kept my yelps of pain quiet and she let go. "sorry.. but what happened and you shouldn't be working with that injury boss!" she apologized before yelling at me which I calmed her down, "I'm fine and we have work so don't worry. Now make a new pizza and I'll clean the floor pizza" I said as I rolled my sleeve down.

"Sorry again.." she mumbled and started working on a new pizza as I smiled and cleaned the pizza she dropped off the floor before tossing it in the trash then helping her once again.

Soon it came to the end of the day but something unexpected happened when I was at the door when I went to tell everyone it was closing time. A man with a hood and mask came at me before grabbing me from behind and putting a knife to my neck.

'This asshole..' I was annoyed at the guy who grabbed me since he grabbed both my arms putting my bad arm in pain from the unhealed wound. "NO BODY MOVE OR I'LL CUT THIS GUY'S NECK OPEN AND LET YOU SEE HIM CHOKE ON HIS OWN BLOOD!" he yelled before laughing, "NOW HAND OVER EVERYTHING BY PUTTING IT ON THE TABLE YOU'RE AT!"

Everyone did as the masked man said. "Hey buddy could you loosen your grip just a bit?" I asked. "SHUT UP DUMBASS! YOU'RE MY HOSTAGE SO DON'T ASK FOR SHIT" he yelled right into my ear.

"Alright pal.. either shut up and loosen your grip or else.." I said in a annoyed tone which made him put the blade closer to my neck cutting it a bit and making blood leak out from the small cut.

"Night!" Rose yelled in worry about to move. "HEY DON'T MOVE OR ELSE HE GETS IT BITCH!" he shouted at Rose.

"Just kill this idiot.. You already warned him.." A voice said which made me move my eyes to see if someone said it or heard it but no one did. "Come on.. Don't let this guy insult your worker and hold you hostage.." The voice continued in my head.

"HOW ABOUT THIS! STRIP NAKED AND BE MY NEW HOSTAGE AND I'LL LET HIM GO!" he said which snapped me out of thought. "Alright I'm done.." I said before moving my leg then kicking it back hitting him in the crotch which made him lose grip of my arms and the knife before I slammed my body back against him which made him lose his balance and fall to the floor then I kicked the knife away from his reach.

"I warned you.." I spoke in a cold and annoyed tone. He tried backing up from me in fear while holding his crotch in pain, "W-w-wait I'm sorry! I-I-I'll leave I promise!" he begged as he was scared but trying to trick me so he could run for the knife.

"Hmm.. No." I said before putting my foot on his chest and pushing him down against the floor. "I didn't really care for you holding me hostage but when you threaten my employees.. THEN WE GOT PR-" I was cut off by police running in and tackling me to the ground.

The officer who tackled me, pinned me down and started to cuff me but Rose stopped him. "No that's the owner! The other guy is who you want!" She yelled trying to stop him and get him to focus on the actual criminal but he didn't listen and I just let it happen since I could see the other guy being arrested as well so fighting against the officer would be more of a pain instead of use.

"Ma'am back away!" the officer said towards Rose as the customers just watched while shocked from the whole events. "Don't worry about it Rose. They'll figure everything out and let me go so just wait." I said smiling before being taken outside and put in the same car as the criminal.

"W-wait officer! Don't leave me!" the criminal shouted for one of the officers but they didn't listen and went inside to get the story.

I looked over to the criminal who was shaking since he could tell I was still pissed off by him and now no one would stop me even if my hands were cuffed. "Where were we..?" I said as I glared at the criminal before headbutting him which knocked him out and broke his nose. "Think twice about who you attack moron.." I said before relaxing in the seat and sighing.