Darling, Don't You Cry

"I don't know what that means," sputtered Shuule. "I'm sorry, I'm so th-thankful that you're helping me but-"

"Don't waste your energy talking," Set held her head into his chest, kissing her forehead.

Alana sighed, but nodded. "This egg isn't going to come out. It's too big, or shaped wrong, but it's stuck. And if you move too much, it's going to break inside you and that could lead to infection, and kill you."

Both Aries and Shuule's eyes shot up to Set, hoping his temper would not rage at the woman's blunt way of answering, but he only set his jaw even harder, if it was possible.

"Fine. Then how do we fix it."

Alana flared her nostrils, looking to her own spouse for reassurance. She wasn't used to be talked to so bluntly, and the black eagle didn't appreciate it on her behalf, hissing at Set warning him to back off, but Set didn't so much as turn an eye in his direction.

"We have to break the egg ourselves so we know we have of it out."