"Shuule," Set hissed, sweeping over to her, wrapping his tail around her like a shield. "Don't feel like you're backed into a corner. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do." He glared at the ram. If his eyes could shoot daggers, the offending male would be done.
Shuule grumbled to herself. "That's not - no, that's not it."
They were just words, after all.
She could do whatever she wanted. Set saw it as her giving in, but she just wanted quiet. The snake's instinct had been correct - she wasn't about to mate with another male and solidify him in the family forever. But out of all the blustering, posturing plant eaters that had wandered into her sphere so far, she liked Aries the most, and she also wasn't about to get his skull smashed in by the likes of Ariat, who she knew would be coming eventually.