
Set had no idea what was happening. He was hot, searing hot, but at the same time, the blood that was starting to course faster through his veins was frozen sludge. His eyesight was clouded, barely being able to see shadows and shapes, and all he could register was danger.

Shuule was in danger.

Her screams and cries for her heart mate as he had nearly suffocated in the rising black smoke had stirred the bond. As his spousal mark started to stretch and splinter when Set was fading, it cut through him like a lightning bolt. Even in hibernation, the heart bond wasn't able to ignore the absolute, sheer desperation this mate was in.

And so, he awoke, in a coiling, drunken rage, with no sense of direction. All he knew was that he wasn't supposed to be here, and that Shuule was somewhere, so in pain that his very soul couldn't ignore it.