I Don't Forgive You

Ukko launched himself into the sky, against all instinct flying back towards the flames and the writhing serpent. It would be so, so easy to let his rival in love perish in this moment, and have Shuule to himself.

Sucking in a breath of toxic, smoldering air, the harpy almost did just that.

But he also knew how much it would harm Shuule, possibly irreparably. Set and Shuule were so attached that it had probably become an unhealthy codependency, but Ukko knew he would be far in over his head if he had to attempt to put his broken spouse back together. The only thing he could do to make her happy was to save the raging feral reptile.

Ukko cursed to himself, trying to figure out what to even do with the chaos. Set looked like he was the size of the actual treehouse, somehow. Surely he wasn't this big? How had he made himself feel so formidable? Around him was yet another dead tiger, this one with puncture marks from being struck down with snake fangs rather than an arrow.