More Bible studies. .

Pastor Ian gave us many church activities and bible studies. Before it was many but now it grows more and more including our home. Sometimes he would let us lead the outreaches even without him. He entrusted it all to us and really desired for us to handle it especially to our brother Roger who is now well trained to be a pastor someday. Brother Roger is our guitarist and song leader because he is the only one who knows how to play the guitar. In our church in Victory Chapel Christian Center or VCCC, being a pastor doesn't need to be a graduate on a bible school. It is more important that you're filled with the Holy Spirit. Just like our other pastor in our church he was only an elementary graduate. He became a pastor and committed to God to serve Him wherever he would be taken. He became a missionary at Vietnam and a couple told them that they came from God. That he and her wife were an answered prayer they were waiting for. That pastor was invited to preach to a school university and many teachers and students heared the good news. They repented and accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. 🙏➕🙏 It was a victory! A pastor once asked a Vietnamese guy and said, "Do you believe in God?" He answered, "I believe in God and know that there is truly a God above but i don't know who God really is." That pastor never really thought that there were people like them and was very pity for them who never knew Jesus. They promised to go back and share the gospel to them secretly. It was hard for the missionaries to enter into their country so they started a plan. They first taught them in english language or just like an english school that lead them to their true mission to know the word of God and to know Christ. Many were now saved and thanking them unstoppably for knowing the truth about Jesus and this life. We must also pray and be thankful for all missionaries who sacrificed their lives for what they have done to let every areas of the world know Jesus. ❤➕❤

I also noticed that Jayson had many changes.

My pastor already trained to let him lead in prayer inside the church and also in an intro during outreaches. I can see his confidence and fire in prayer and church activities too. Sometimes i felt that he is more on fire than me. I can't believe that he is with me now serving God. What prayed God for a long time really came true. ❤️➕️❤️ We were so full of schedule now for spreading and sharing the word of God anywhere. We also went into a squater area because we met a bicycle driver and known him after a Wednesday outreach. We had a little snacks and a little conversation in our church for awhile. We invited him inside and ask to open for a bible study at their place and he was willing. The only problem is that their place is too far away and we need to walk in a muddy and a very rocky road. He had three kids already and when we got inside their house we were so full because of their little house and space. They don't have enough power supply too and it was a bit dark so we used flashlights on our phone. We were so welcome and still continued it victoriously. 🙏➕🙏

The next day it was our bible study at 6:00 pm and brother Roger leads it because my pastor was with her wife left in our church. Sister Roselyn newly had a ligation surgery and it was not yet healed. So my pastor decided to be with her because she needs to have a help and a rest.

I am still glad that they came and i prepared a little dinner for them before starting our bible study. We also used a microphone and a speaker for others to hear outside about the topic we had. Many came including my neighbors, my cousin and his family, my brother and her partner too with my nephew. Jayson called his friends and relatives also but no one came. We also invited everyone we see outside. I am so happy they joined our bible study because that's what i've been praying for a long time too. I am so pity for my brother because he is also now in debt. I am always praying for him that he would also surrender his life to Jesus and be born again to leave the vices he was into. Especially in using vape and taking cigarettes at all times. He borrowed money from me because his salary takes too long for two months from the government. Actually it was the money i kept for our wedding this October and i let him use it. I can see their difficulties even for their food so i let them eat for breakfast. Even for their personal needs, milk and transportation is so difficult. They also live in her partner's house but they were too crowded there. They sleep in a couch before so they requested me to let them sleep in our house sometimes. For me it was very fine because we still had enough space downstairs to occupy. I am really hoping that time would come that all of our struggles would be solved. I know i have a God who will never leave me nor forsake me. I trusted God's plan over my life. All i have to do is continue to praise, serve and wait for Him because God is bigger than all of the cares in this world. I know that these bible studies we are openning to everyone we love would bear fruit in God's perfect time. Their hearts could be changed and may gain the knowledge about God's word. That i will have a great future ahead and everything would eventually change. 🙏➕🙏