Chapter1 The figure

The figure!

     In the thick dark night, the wind howled causing the white cotten curtains to sway from side to side, the fog embedded the landscapes heavily that you could slice it with a blade. Not a moment did Finn not try to escape the spooky sounds of footsteps approaching closer and closer, his heart was beating faster, he was panting heavily and breathlessly, quivering in fear and he was terrified.

The footsteps would not give up, it was consistent and persistent. Finn moved backwards as fast as he could but the more he added a step backwards the more the footsteps scurried even faster yet he could see no one except for the shadows that danced around room that was clouded in spider webs and dust, he couldn't tell if it was a one room apartment or duplex or storey building because everything seemed dreadful yet unending. Finn couldn't withstand the unusual sounds of glasses and chandelier clinking, whispers of close and distant chatters of children and adults laughing hysterically; the sounds of all these made him hold unto his head tightly trying to avoid it, he was frightened that his body was consumed in shivers. He added a few steps moving backwards again yet the wall that seemed so closed was out of his reach, he felt like he was walking a distance, locked in a trance.

A figure with a black cape, burning eyes of ember flames holding a sceptre of bronze appeared before him within a snap, Finn fell to the ground drenched in sweat as he let out a scream that pierced into the dead silence that suddenly surfaced after the figure had appeared. The figure held out his sceptre towards Finn directly to his face chanting in a strange language he's never heard of. Finn buried his face in his arms still screaming as hard as he could.

  "Finn!!!" He heard a voice groan, it sounded overly angry.

Finn's eyes opened as he rose up from his sleep abruptly, panting heavily sweating profusely. He turned to his mother who stood beside the door wondering what must have gone wrong as early as six o'clock when birds chirped, while the rays flashed inside his room, she ran to him and enveloped him tightly into her warm motherly embrace.

  "It's ok, honey! Its only a nightmare, you're fine now!" She whispered into his ear coldly

  "I had the same dream Mom, the same one from yesterday, last week, last month, last year...." Finn jabbered almost yelling trying to explain the terror that he had seen subsequently, she hugged him again to avoid more alarming reactions.

  "Its fine, baby, Moms' here and she'd never ever leave your side." She assured her son in the best way she could even if he was pretty sure that what he saw could wash them off the surface of the planet. She kissed his forehead staring into his weary deep sea blue eyes while his black silky hair fell over his face also soaked in his sweat.

His Mother, Carmen entered the kitchen to prepare his breakfast since the 17 year old was about to prepare for school. He was her only child, her husband died from suicide he committed for the some reasons that no one knew about; Carmen being a detective in the NYPD still had no idea or hints or clues of what must have conspired or driven him to such action, she could still remember his lifeless body hanging from the ceiling in their guest room, till now the room has never been opened. The black telephone on the wall beside the cupboard rang repeatedly, she rushed to the phone then grabbed on the receiver.

  "Dexter's residence, who's speaking....what?....alright Gianni, gimme some minutes...I'll be there!...Bye!" She hung it back. She turned off the burner immediately then rushed to grab her keys that was on the table and a small black bag. 

  "Finn, im off to work! There's a robbery going on right now! I love you honey!" She screamed from the living room walking to the door.

  "Yes Mom! Love you too!" Finn replied also screamng from his bathroom, where he was scrubbing his teeth looking into the mirror before him.

 He bent his head to rinse his toothbrush and mouth then lifted his head up to the mirror after sensing some abnormality, he felt like he had company, he was certain that he was not alone. He saw a dark figure like that of his recent dream, his eyes widened unable to speak or scream then he moved backwards instantly throwing the toothbrush to the tiled ground and turned around but there was no one at all. His heart was beating faster than expected, he noticed that it was just his black hoodie that hung on the door, he heaved a deep sigh in relief.

  "Just a hoodie, Finn!" He said to himself in content. 

He entered the shower as the water washed down while he whistled and hummed a song from the '90s. 

He began to hear a heavy bang on the bathroom door like someone was trying to break in, he was startled yet sure that he was not expecting someone anytime. He ran out of the tub and grabbed a towel that hung on a hanger beside the shower curtain. 

  "Who's there? Hello?" He asked in a quivering voice, he was frightened again, the door seemed like it was about to be broken into tiny pieces.

He tied the towel around his waist then reached for a bat beside the door then the door handle, he squeezed his eyes tightly as he opened the door lifting the bathroom to hit.

  "Finn?" Lindsey Park called in a pitch tone. Oh, it was his blonde best friend at school who lived two apartments away from his. He was relieved again. He stared at the ceiling then her again.

  "Heavens! So its you!" Finn shrugged throwing away the bat as he proceeded to his his closet. "But you didn't have to bang on the door like that, you scared the flesh off my bones! Argh!" He groaned in distress while she sat on the bed focusing on her phone's screen.

  "C'monnnn!!! I didn't even knock on the door, i was about to when you opened it!" She explained further

  "Then who did!" He doubted her, he was certain that someone was at the door earlier; he reasoned from the closet while he got dressed almost looking shabby. 

  "You must be out of your mind, no one was knocking. How many times do i have to explain! Stupid!" She said reluctantly.

He came forth standing before her like a zombie then she looked up to him instantly with a slight distasteful look on her face, she was compelled to say something because his rumpled round neck shirt was really making him look shabby.

  "Im ready! Can we go now?" He inquired with a serious look.

  "Of course not Finn, you look hideous right now! Gosh Finn! I see why Ms Carmen yells at you because of your cloths!" She pointed out disappointedly

  "Whatever Lindy, who cares about my looks anyways!" He counted staring at her unbothered. He hair fell across then she continued 

  "And this?" She pointed out again as he groaned turning around towards the closet then he sunk into the bed, his hands intertwined behind his head while he stared at the ceiling. "Really?!"

  "Yes really! Do i always have to fix you least you could press your clothes or send them out to the laundry man any which way works perfectly...but you sit here looking like a man from the 1800s..." She complained sorting out some shirts onnthe hanger. His gaze was fixated on the ceiling from the time he listened to her complain like his mother does to the time he could no longer hear a thing.

It seemed like there was a purple and black swirling portal that appeared on the ceiling, through it he sighted a feminine figure with a witch-like hat walking away and wouldn't turn back, he couldn't tell if she was young or old but the random noises of a woman laughing sarcastically engulfed him, drawing his attention to go after her.

  "Come! Come!! Come!!!" She repeatedly beckoned until it turned into silent whispers disappearing as she vanished.

  "Finn!!!" Lindsey yelled out angrily as he rose up as fast as he could. He looked confused trying to revive into a normal state of mind. "What the hell is wrong with you, how could you sleep at this time of the day. This is almost 8am and we're still here trying to figure out your outfit. C'mon!" She scolded correctly.

  "Trying to sleep? I wasn't sleeping, my eyes were widely open almost gauging out!" He countered defiantly. He collected the purple hoodie she found in his closet.

He stood amazed for a while because he could vividly remember the dark purple portal swirling and the feminine figure beckoning which was the design on his hoodie. It was chaotic to him.

  "What again this time?!" She asked in calm tone after taking her bag wrapping it around her. A sudden honk interrupted his thoughts and hers. "Great! My Mom is here, we gotta go!"

  "Oh ye..yeah!" He said. He wore the hoodie against the rumpled shirt taking his bag as well as they headed out of the room.

They walked to the Lindsey's mother's car after he had locked the apartment, his mother had her own keys so there wasn't going to be any clash along the way. They entered inside, Lindsey in front while he sat behind.

  "Morning Ms Park!" Finn hollered

  "Morning sweetheart! Your mother's really busy these days, always fighting crime to keep our city safe!" She said jokingly as she drove out of the driveway

  "That's right!" Finn replied.

They all smiled at the little but truthful joke.

  "Y'all can take the box of cookies and apple juice along, i know you'd starve as well! Its right beside, son!" Ms Park added, they were excited about it as he turned left taking lunch bag not to forget. He was famished so he couldn't take chances and besides Lindsey's parwnts owned a bakery so you could expect mouth watering varieties.

After a fifteen minutes drive, she dropped down from the car.

  "Stay out of trouble y'all! Call me when y'all are done!" Ms Park said

  "Alright Mom! Love you!" Lindsey said walking ahead

  "Thanks, Ms park!" Finn added scurrying to meet Lindsey.

  "Oh sorry!" She collected the lunch bag from him immediately, she was carried away by her phone's numerous notifications. 

  "Im starving! Your Mom's heaven sent! I couldn't make breakfast!" Finn stated 

  "I suspected! You should really learn to straighten out your schedules, Finn! You are a mess, man!" She pointed while they headed to eat out at the students' hall. He was ignorant as he took out his phone from his trouser pocket. He glanced at it

  "It's Jack!" He said to her hearing. "What's up?" Finn began

  "I was trying to reach you and Lindy, where are y'all at?!"

  "The hall! Come quick 'coz her Mom made some magic again!" He coaxed jokingly while Jack leaped in joy but Lindsey wss less concerned, they sat on an empty table.

  "I'll be there!" Jack hung up. 

Finn turned to Lindsey with a smirk as he unzipped the bag hastily, he was running out of patience already. He dipped his hand without looking twice then he brought out a big scorpion, he was startled at he threw the scorpion to the ground, as he was about to stamp his feet on it; Lindsey called out.

  "Finn!" She was amazed at his awkward behavior. He stopped in shock as well, he watched the scorpion run away wondering why lindsey would stop him from killing the scorpion.

This disjointed feeling ate him up, he felt weird not quite understandable and proving it was a huge task to carry out.

Hi friends❤,

I wanna start this rigorous but exciting journey with you because your support and corrections have assisted me before now. Please, share with family and friends and also don't forget to leave your reviews!

Welcome to a new world of intriguing and spooky thriller, mystery and romance intertwined!😊😊