Chapter 43

“I think you’ll love your new home,” the soldier smirks as he roughly holds my arm, pulling me down the dark, musty hall. “Stop dragging your feet,” he comments and yanks me along, causing me to trip.

“Hey, you okay?” Mom grabs my other arm and helps me stand up. The guard holding her arm is a little more lenient and only gently tugs her along but the momentum helps keep me upright as well. I think the guard can tell Mom is not strong at this moment. Neither of us has our powers so we can’t overpower them in any way but the soldier pulling me doesn’t seem to care about that.

“I’m okay,” I respond to Mom but my voice comes out scratchy. She looks worried. “I just need some water,” I say and clear my throat. All I’ve had to drink in the last few hours is the punch from the Halloween dance, it wasn’t very tasty and left my mouth feeling dry. Now, I lick my lips trying to keep them moist, and try to swallow to keep my throat from getting worse.