4 Months Later
With a gasp, I flung myself from the bed with one hand on the side table and the other cupping my massive stomach.
Cold sweat drenched my nightclothes, and my breaths came in ragged pants.
A hard body wrapped around me from behind, and I melted into Cohen's chest. I took deep breaths in through my nose, sucking up his cold steel scent.
Ever so slowly, my breaths calmed, and my heart rate returned to normal.
Cohen said nothing as tears welled in my eyes. He'd already said it all before. He knew that I just needed to be held.
I didn't have the nightmares as much anymore, but every now and then they caught me off guard.
Not nightmares.
I couldn't erase how it felt to stab another person. The crunch and squish I heard and the way it reverberated up my arm. It haunted me.