First day of fall

For now, Arthur and Scorn were the only two witnesses of the unfolding calamity, at least in the palace. Afar, approaching by hundreds of meters per second, the gigantic lesser water dragon scraped the ground, crushing houses under its sole weight.

For now, the only evidence of the violent shock wave was the slight vibration that tickled their toes. The sound of the catastrophe died in the distance, only Arthur's imagination filled the gaps.

It lasted a few seconds, but the adrenaline rush still boosted the boy's mind after the short fire enhanced the instant. It was an echo of Arthur's experience in the distorted cave, another round of shiver crept its way up to the base of his neck.

His heart was beating hard, his veins were barely containing his blood flow and his pump was pushing every drop of blood to the tip of his fingers. 'Unless it's because of this abominable organ?' He thought, focusing on his upper abdomen.