Bad dream

A torrent of nightmares shook Arthur's night. But the painless spectacle was nothing compared to what he had gone through in the distorted cave. Convulsing in his bed, his mouth foaming with thick saliva, the guard in front of his door hurried in as soon as he felt an abnormality in the atmosphere.

The moons were high in the sky and their brightness outshone the stars, leaving but a gaping dark void above Tash.

Because the guard was unable to cast any healing spell, Bion was summoned the next instant.

Wearing but his comfortable pajamas, the omnimancer bumped his head against the door frame to wake up. The noise shook the panicked guard only, nevertheless, it allowed the man to calm down thanks to the rough entrance.

A pair of light goggles materialized out of thin air, covering the mage's forehead down to his nose. The magnifying disks of translucent magic rotated with a clicking sound, making Bion's pupils react with each change.