The three pillars of the world

As expected, everything went as he had ordered. The crow was indeed a way to communicate with the omnimancer who patiently stood a few meters behind the main gates. He made his way in between the valets to get his rightful stead next to the king, the one he always had.

"How was it me-king? Did your bodyguards take good care of you?" He asked.

A few meters farther, Arthur started to pat the top of his head to get rid of the spice in it. With his closed fists on his hips, he replied with a pinch of frustration, that he was tired of being treated like a child. "You already know the answer. Have you not kept an eye on me all along? Wouldn't you rather tell me how much I was needed under this roof? I did spend my time well outside." He stood under a door, it was the simplest way for him to get rid of Bion. The next step was his well-deserved bath.