Taking a step forward

"You could've graduated as a mage in one day, you don't look that tired." Scorn said.

'That's right. Nor tired nor as hungry as I should be after one day doing nothing, I can imagine how much of a break I need after my first day of training. I've got the message, don't worry, there will be fewer waves to stir water tomorrow.' Arthur replied he was sitting on his bed later in the evening, he wasn't close to falling asleep.

His abnormal energy couldn't be explained and he knew his mind was busy elsewhere. He was fine having much more energy to consume.

Smite was levitating in front of him. One edge after the other, Arthur made it rotate and admired its splendor side by side.

He weaved magicules around and saw the blade cutting them like warm butter. He couldn't qualify the phenomenon any other way than fascinating.