Incoming troubles

A distant thunderstorm raged over the copper forest on the third day in the makeshift camp.

Still spending most of her time with Fedlimid, Melite forced herself to make small talk with him, bland as it was. The two knew each other perfectly well, so she could only discuss the interesting corners of the forest she'd come across.

At times, Arthur could see puffs of black magicules invading the atmosphere near Fedlimid. Soon afterward, he seemed agitated, but not for long and eventually, he calmed down. One of Aleks' plans had come to fruition. The rainfolk had decided to slow down the pace between meals to induce the feeling of hunger, resulting in Fedlimid speaking up about it.

Even in his sleep, the pain and fear tormented his nights. Seisyll and Aleks slept less, sometimes sharing the patient's watch to avoid any incident.

As for Scorn, the ghost had been rather quiet lately. He was either blending in or focusing too hard on studying his heir.