Sailing forward

Fedlimid's dark red gaze plunged into Seisyll's, and as soon as he changed target, something invisible to the average person, Seisyll was watching too.

Seisyll cast a spell that used only a few magicules, dark magic.

Fedlimid unconsciously nodded. "Can you see the specters? They're with you and looking at you, what have you done to them?"

His eyes widened, and the omnimancer turned to the others hastily, not even thinking of greeting them after his two-day disappearance. "We have a future master of dark magic with us!" He announced.

He gladly wouldn't ignore the question as he now had someone to speak dark magic with. "These are the ones you can awaken if you use dark magic. They're the ones who never sleep and are waiting for you to let them through the otherworldly portal to take their revenge on the world."