Saga of the past

Arthur pointed north. "Over there there's human activity. Lots of smoke and houses."

He changed direction. "Down there I saw ruins, they're inhabited, back there, believe it or not, there are fields."

Blue and green magicules danced in the air. It was like having a humid atmosphere, but charged with magic.

Their clothes were soaked with sweat and condensation.

Part of him was glad to be rid of the thing living on his chest. Uther's mageroot was both a blessing and a curse. The environment around him was no longer affected by his passing moods. The same could not be said of Melite, who was trying to contain herself as best she could.

The new mage refused to be categorized as an 'unstable mage' as she saw it as an outcasting curse. She kept herself from overthinking, even when she was upset she'd almost set fire to her cloak.

The group had decided to split up with Captain Hookbooker.