Internal struggle

Aleks didn't know what to do. He hadn't expected the beast to breach the camp's security so quickly. Or had his fight gone on for too long? 

He watched in horror as the animal dripped blood, a mixture of the mages' and his own, was consumed by swarms of black magicules, so dense that they were visible and gave off a dark aura. 

When Melite called him, he decided to fly to her aid rather than start hostilities.

He realised that the light mage and the black beast were natural enemies and that, in addition to the purple lightning that split the sky above their heads, the multitude of flashes that the mage had generated had greatly pissed off the beast. 

It took the beast three mouthfuls to finish its meal, it had a grudge against those who attacked it.

The mana holding Melite back spread through the earth by a natural phenomenon, the caster of the spell no longer being present. Aleks pulled himself together and prepared to flee.