Could Have Been More Silver

Madam Qu was stunned. "What did you say?"

"What wood?"

All the furniture in their house was gone now. What wood could they sell?

Zhao Yuan protected Yan Tingting behind him and said to Madam Qu, "Mother, Master Yu just said that other than furniture, he also collects the wood used for building the house. I'm not too sure about the details. You should go and ask!"

Madam Qu was pleasantly surprised. She did not expect the wood of the house to be accepted for sale as well!

Before she could react to the surprise, her sons and daughters-in-law urged her, "Mother, let's go ask quickly!" They did not take Yan Tingting's slap to heart at all.

Madam Qu reacted to it and hurriedly brought her son and daughter-in-law over.

Yan Tingting watched them leave without looking back. She leaned her head on Zhao Yuan's shoulder and cried.