Vast Land of Freedom

Madam Qu's family was not satisfied that the house only fetched 80 taels of silver. When the villagers of Lintian Village next door moved to another village, they only had two mu of land and did not have any compensation.

When they found out that Youjia village could even exchange their house for money, they were so envious that they wished they had been refugees back then.

Unfortunately, it was useless no matter how envious they were.

Most of the people in Lintian Village did not have any savings. This year was a little better, and it was all thanks to Yu Suisheng coming to collect fruits from them.

The food production rate in ancient times was low. A family of three could not eat enough with just two acres of land.

They did not have the money to buy extra land. If they went to another village, it was impossible for them to own a big roofed house either. Many people gritted their teeth and decided to might as well go to the Southern Frontier.