Not a Long-term Solution

There was only two hours to rest. Everyone took advantage of the available river water to quickly cook.

It was too wasteful of firewood and time-consuming if they made other types of food.

Auntie Yang set up a large pot to cook instant noodles.

The others did the same. They felt that it was convenient to cook instant noodles, so they set up a big pot to cook instant noodles.

Not long after, the rich fragrance of the instant noodles spread around.

The prisoners, who could only eat dry rations, could only swallow their saliva repeatedly.

Feng Yue and Feng Xun had never smelled such a unique delicacy. They craned their necks forward and asked the soldiers guarding them, "What kind of Central Plain food is this?"

The dark guard disguised as a soldier ignored them. His cold expression did not reveal anything.