The Wolves Are Here

Sheng Huaixuan smiled. "Probably. Master Yu is very experienced and has a fixed caravan stronghold in the southern frontier. He knows the local culture well and can gather a portion of people in the southern frontier to be in charge of digging the mine in a short period of time. When Master Yu puts up a notice to recruit manpower in the Central Plains, many Central Plains citizens will take the initiative to come to the southern frontier because of the generous salary. The government only needs to send people to guard and maintain order."

Bai Wutong knew that Sheng Huaixuan would definitely have a way. "Since more people has taken the initiative to come to the southern frontier to mine, there will be more Central Plains people in the southern frontier. With the continuous exchange of cultures, the southern frontier will be able to completely integrate into the Ling Kingdom. Emperor Linghui will definitely be happy to see this."