Then It Shall Be Called Carefree City

The house designed by Bai Wutong looked very simple and square. There were no unnecessary edges, but it had a unique design.

Even the surrounding garden desigan was unique.

Cui Shize looked at the villa design that was very common in the modern world. When he saw the structure inside, he was even more surprised that the house could be arranged like this.

He felt that their house in Youjia village was already very comfortable.

He did not expect the house designed by Bai Wutong to be even more beyond his imagination.

There was something strange about it that he didn't quite understand. "What is this?"

Bai Wutong smiled and said, "This is a bathtub. You can lie in it and take a bath. In the future, when the water is boiled, you can directly take a bath. You can also pull out the stopper below and the water can automatically flow out."