Madam, Help!!

"Free and unfettered, Carefree City. This name is good!"

Cui Shize was very satisfied with the name of the city and hurriedly went to inform everyone.

As soon as he left, Chu Tianbao immediately looked at Bai Wutong with concern. "Are you tired? Do you want to rest for a while more?"

Bai Wutong was a little tired, but her body was still strong. She shook her head. "I'm not tired. I still have to see the children and teach them how to make delicious cocoa fruits."

Chu Tianbao followed her out of the tent.

The children's motivation to eat delicious food was not to be underestimated. Almost all the ripe cocoa fruits around them had been picked by them. There were eight baskets of them. The little children lined up like soldiers waiting for Bai Wutong and Chu Tianbao to inspect them.

As usual, Bai Wutong praised everyone. Then, she officially taught everyone how to make chocolate. The first step was to take out the flesh from the cocoa fruit.