Why Is It Green?

Qu Yuanxian was shocked. "Madam, don't say those words out of anger. I apologize to you."

Unexpectedly, Madam Qu was determined. She decisively wrote the divorce letter and threw it in front of Qu Yuanxian and threatened, "Either follow me back to the Central Plains or let's divorce!"

The southern frontier had a bright future that Madam Qu could not see. She only saw that she had not become an official's wife and their lives were simple and crude. They had been living in tents and did not know when they would be able to move in to the new houses that were under construction.

Even if Qu Yuanxian did not agree to the divorce, Madam Qu had already decided that she would return to the Central Plains.

Qu Yuanxian hurriedly said, "Yuling, don't be like this. Let's talk nicely."

Madam Qu slammed the table angrily. "You say to talk nicely. What did you say to me in the beginning?"