Too Stinky

Ah Duo picked a mango and said with a smile, "It'll be ripe in a few days. When they're all ripe, the birds and beasts in the mountains will eat all of them. How will we be able to eat them?"

Huang Zhong had never eaten a mango before. He took the mango from Ah Duo's hand and sniffed it. He smelled a rich fragrance and said regretfully, "So it will take a few days before we can eat it."

Ah Duo looked at the top of the tree and climbed up agilely.

Huang Zhong said worriedly, "Be careful."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ah Duo threw a huge mango at him. "Catch!"

Huang Zhong hurriedly caught it, but Ah Duo threw another one down. "Another one!"

Huang Zhong reached out to grab it. The moment the mango in his arms fell to the ground, the mango that Ah Duo had just thrown landed heavily on his head.

With a muffled sound, Huang Zhong felt dizzy.