Not A Bad Idea

Zong Bang came to Xu Yao's door and hesitated for a long time before Zong Ming pushed him in.

Xu Yao looked up at him. "What's the matter, Tribe leader Zong Bang?"

As Zong Ming had said, his tone was especially polite.

The uneasiness in Zong Bang's heart dissipated a lot. He summoned up a great deal of courage. "I want to sell my wool."

Hearing Zong Bang take the initiative to sell wool, Xu Yao did not mock him. Instead, he placed two forms in front of him in a businesslike manner. "It's the same price as before. If you agree, sign on it."

These two forms described the transaction process in Syriac and Central Plains language respectively. The price was stated clearly. Although Zong Bang wanted to hide it, he could not completely hide the smile in his eyes. "I agree to it."

He was about to sign when Xu Yao stopped him. "Wait."

Zong Bang's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he wanted to make things difficult for him now?