There's Definitely Something fishy

It took Zong Bang and Zong Ming a lot of effort to find out that the pharmacy was directly operated by the Imperial Court.

If he wanted to open a shop, he could only look for the person-in-charge of the Imperial Court.

Zong Bang had interacted with the Central Plains people a few years ago and knew that the person-in-charge with such an official position must be very greedy.

If he wanted them to agree, he had to pay a huge price.

Zong Bang planned to bribe the officials of Carefree City, but Zong Ming felt that it would not work. "Brother, we've been here for so many days, and the officials here are all very upright. It's unlikely that they will accept our money. Moreover, I heard that if we're caught with bribes, we'll be thrown into jail to serve our sentence. It's unlike the punishment that you had for fighting before."

Zong Bang was also a little afraid. "Then do you think they will agree to let us open a shop?"