Car Frenzy

As soon as he finished speaking, the cheers on the field rose.

They had succeeded and obtained the Duke's approval.

In the future, they would have a place to shelter from the wind and rain outdoors.

Zhao Yuan's eyes were filled with tears, and his assistants' eyes were also red. At the same time, they also envisioned the prototypes of tractors, trucks, and other vehicles in their minds.

The idea was beautiful, but the cost of building a car was very high.

Some parts had been painstakingly developed by all their researchers.

They were unique parts.

If they wanted to mass produce it, they had to first design the machinery for production and overcome the technological difficulties.

It would take at least a few years, or even decades, to popularize cars everywhere on the road.

Bai Wutong did not expect them to be even more anxious than her. They had just learned how to walk, but they already wanted to be busy.