Missing Ship

As long as he could get the patent, not to mention spending a large amount of patent fees, even if he did not earn money for a few years, Yu Suisheng would agree.

Sheng Huaixuan was willing to help him because of their past friendship. Yu Suisheng hurriedly thanked him. "Thank you for your help, Lord Sheng."

Sheng Huaixuan was not only doing this to help him. Bai Wutong already had plans to promote the development of the car industry.

After Bai Wutong found out, she did not think about it for long. She said, "Car manufacturing requires precise parts and the most advanced technology. Our country lacks such talents. If we let them establish a private car workshop, even if they have the technology, it will take them some time to figure out the technology. The research institute has already created better cars. If they want to gain a foothold in the market, they have to constantly improve their products and nurture talents. This is beneficial for our country."