Production Can Free The Labour Force

Jia Yuqin was not certain either. She said with a trembling voice, "It's impossible for her to know. At that time, it was chaotic. She fell down purely because of an accident!" Then she emphasized to Bai Xinshui, "It has nothing to do with us. Remember!"

Bai Xinshui bit her lip. "But what if she knows and doesn't let us go?"

She suddenly had a guess that Emperor Ling Hui had asked her to come to the southern frontier to allow Bai Wutong to vent her anger.

The more she thought about it, the more terrified she became.

Even if Emperor Ling Hui did not mean that and simply wanted their family to persuade Bai Wutong to submit to the Ling Kingdom, now that their family could not play a role, they would probably blame them for being useless and embarrassing.

Bai Xinshui could not help but regret it. Why had she listened to Bai Shining's nonsense back then and felt that marrying Chu Mingxuan was a good thing?