Is Muzhi Well?

It was almost dark when they finally reached the farmyard.

Village Chief Zhao had received their call previously and had already arranged for food and accommodation.

Looking at the fragrant goose meat in the pot and the roasted bun at the side, Zeng Sanshui felt that he could finish 10 bowls of rice alone.

Zeng Sanshui picked up a piece of goose meat and placed it in his mouth. The rich fresh taste and the just right texture immediately captivated his taste buds.

Zeng Sanshui wolfed down the meat as if he had never eaten in his life.

After eating the meat, he gulped down a few more bowls of seafood soup. He touched his round stomach and recalled his question for Village Chief Zhao, who was eating with him, "I've also eaten many stewed goose in an iron pot. How is it that the one prepared here are more fragrant than the ones made by others!"