Next Time

"I can't eat anymore." Xie Jun's expression showed that he was extremely full. "I overate..."

"Here, drink this. It'll help soothe your stomach," Xie Heng said. "Chuchu, Mr. Niu, have some too."

"Keep that. I have something better. " Zhao Chuchu took out some digestion tablets and signaled the rest to open their mouths before tossing one into each of their mouths. "Chew on it before swallowing."

Xie Juna and Niu An didn't even ask what the tablets were and just did as they were told.

After a short while, the owner invited Zhao Chuchu and Xie Heng to the room next to theirs. He then gave Zhao Chuchu the money that he had prepared.

"Miss, please check if everything is here or not."

There was one 500 silvers bank note, two 100 silvers bank notes, and two links of coins totaling 2000 cents; the rest were in silvers.

"Everything is here. Thank you." Zhao Chuchu nodded happily.