Don't Kill Me

After a while, Xie Heng approached the window.

He looked in the direction that Zhao Chuchu had left, and a hint of emotion appeared inside his eyes for a second.

Zhao Chuchu sat on the wall fence behind the inn connected to a small alley and looked at the group of people acting suspiciously under the wall.

"I know which two rooms they are staying in. I'll head up first and put them to sleep with the enchanting smoke. You guys watch my back. Come to me once I get the silvers, understand?"

"But, that lady is powerful. Is this really worth it?"

"This enchanting smoke I have can even put a tiger to sleep. There's no way that lady can handle this. Also, did you guys forget that her husband is blind?"

"Right. Also, she's quite attractive too. Why don't we take her, and we can..."

A loud slap could be heard on the back of the head of the man who had suggested having their ways with Zhao Chuchu.