Moneybags Could Dig In Their Heels!

Billions of dollars' worth of supplies were not something to be taken lightly!

Those who had money to burn could dig in their heels.

Zhao Chuchu was not worried about Xie Heng's probing. A person of his intelligence knew the seeds of high-yield crops his "ex-wife" provided would bring nothing but benefits for his future if he became a government official.

Only a fool would think of killing the golden goose.

Furthermore, even ten more Xie Hengs were not enough to get the better of her.

She did not like resorting to trickery, but it did not mean she was a dimwit.

"What about the remaining areas?" Xie Heng asked. "What are you planning to do with them?"

"We'll see. Let's finish cultivating the land first. We've got all the time in the world. We'll talk about it once we've done cultivating the southern area—burning the wood ashes and planting the potatoes," Zhao Chuchu uttered and looked at Xie Heng. "Are you curious?"